Kuronuma Sawako is completely misunderstood by her classmates. Her timid and sweet demeanor is often mistaken for malicious behavior. This is due to her resemblance to the ghost girl from "The Ring," which has led her peers to give her the nickname Sadako. Longing to make friends and live a normal life, she is naturally drawn to Kazehaya Shouta, the most popular guy in class, whose "100% refreshing" personality earns him great admiration from Sawako. So when Kazehaya starts talking to her, maybe there is hope for the friendships Sawako has always longed for. Maybe... there is even a little hope for some romance in her future.
This tv show contains 1 potentially triggering events.
no but it’s worth noting that there’s ship tease between a teacher and a teenage student. later in the manga the student confesses feelings for the teacher and he doesn’t reciprocate them/gently rejects her, so there’s no actual pedophilia or anything, but it’s worth being aware of if it’s a trigger for you
I mean this is about teenage romance so yes. it's all very innocent I would say. none of the more 'grown up' parts of relationships are part of the anime storyline tho.
one character makes frequent remarks about how she’ll ‘get fat’ if she keeps going out to eat with a food-obsessed friend but other than that weight is rarely talked or joked about
pretty much all of the main characters have positive relationships with their parents from what we see in the anime, although later in the manga a main character (shota) is revealed to have a father who is very hard on him and hits him at one point - their relationship improves and the narrative doesn’t present it as an abuse situation but it’s worth knowing about if you’re reading on
chizu does get referred to with male pronouns/masculine language on occasion despite being a girl, but she is not trans and is not upset by it - mostly exists so that other characters can comment on how much of a tomboy she is. nothing malicious at all
no, and there are no canonically autistic characters, but both the main character and one of the supporting characters have traits reminiscent of autism and the former in particular is bullied/taken advantage of a lot early on
in the final episodes of both season one and two there’s a scene/montage playing throughout the credits and then a brief scene with dialogue after the credits end. in season 3 episode 1 there’s an important scene after the credits so definitely be aware of that
a couple of mild/questionable examples:
sawako forgives kurumi for bullying and manipulating her (and they become close friends much later in the manga).
kazehaya’s father hits him at one point later in the manga and is generally very strict & harsh on him, but towards the end of the manga their relationship improves and is portrayed as having been mutually difficult rather than abusive, so ig it depends how the reader interprets that
not with the main couple but one of the protagonist’s best friends is dating an older boy who is abusive to her early on (she’s around 15/16 and in high school whilst he’s in college). however, they break up quickly and are rarely seen together on screen, and the relationship is not portrayed as a positive one
there’s also some ship tease between the same character and her older teacher but it’s VERY mild and infrequent in the anime, and even later in the manga it’s mostly a one-sided crush and doesn’t become too inappropriate.
and another character has a crush on an older family friend in the first season (he’s in his 20s whilst she again is around 16 at the time) but he doesn’t reciprocate and she later realises feelings for/ends up in a relationship with a character her own age
not in the first two seasons, but one major secondary character (ryu) has a mother who died in an accident when he was in the third grade. this is explored through flashbacks in the manga and it looks fairly likely these will be adapted in season three
ETA: season 3 episode 3
not really but there’s one moment in a season one episode/ch18 of the manga where kazehaya is embarrassed by a photo of his childhood self crying after losing a game whilst pin makes fun of him. this is more to show how insensitive and weird pin can be than to actually ridicule kazehaya within the narrative though. on the rare occasions much later in the manga where male characters do cry they’re not ridiculed at all
there’s one flashback to a main character having wet the bed as a small child, but it’s only mentioned very briefly by an older character who is taunting him and it’s played for laughs and not graphic at all
in an early episode a teenage girl gets slapped by her boyfriend when she tries to break up with him and comes to school with a bruise on her cheek. they stop dating at that point so it doesn’t happen again
every so often characters scream due to being startled or freaked out by the protagonist inadvertently being creepy but it’s fairly light and cartoonish and always played for laughs
not in the anime. later in the manga one character’s sister-in-law gets pregnant and later has a baby (offscreen). the baby is only shown a couple of times and the pregnancy is only discussed a couple of times. she gets pregnant again towards the end but again this is discussed not shown
ayane regularly covers chizu’s mouth when she’s about to say something she shouldn’t but never in a malicious or scary way, it’s always played for laughs and lighthearted
not in the existing seasons but a major character’s mother is revealed to have died in his childhood via a flashback in later chapters of the manga and it’s likely this will be in season 3
ETA: this is shown in season 3 episode 3
yes but it’s not too devastating, when toru visits he leaves without saying goodbye to chizu but he asks ryu to pass a message on to her and visits again a couple of episodes later to make it up to her anyway
there’s a jokey scene towards the end of season 1 about the protagonist’s father telling her santa isn’t real even though at 15 she is clearly already aware of this
in the anime a few characters fall asleep in odd/inconvenient places but that’s it lol, nothing illness related or anything. later in the manga (chapter 98) a main character faints at one point due to exhaustion/overwork but he’s taken care of and fine afterwards
the characters live close to a river that they regularly walk past/hang out next to. they also go to the beach occasionally (towards the end of season 2 and a couple of times later in the manga/probs in season 3) and seem to live in a coastal town so the ocean is also seen regularly with characters hanging out by the harbour etc. never plays a huge part in any plot or presents any danger though
a puppy is found in a box at the side of the road early on but is promptly rescued and raised/cared for by a main character for the duration of the series !
one character (an adult/teacher) gets drunk a couple of times but never to excess or with any dangerous consequences. in one skit he talks about hallucinating 'little men' after drinking sake
one significant character (one of the main character's best friends) is slapped by her boyfriend in the first season, although it's only shown briefly and she breaks up with him immediately so the abuse doesn't continue. she does have a bruise on her cheek for the remainder of the episode
gaslight is probably too strong of a word but the protagonist does get heavily manipulated by a ‘friend’ into doubting her feelings for a love interest and questioning her friendships
later in the manga (chapter 79/80 I believe) one of the main characters gets abruptly hit in the face by his father during an argument. the series overall does not seem to portray the father as abusive but it’s worth noting that it happens. unlikely to play into the anime storyline unless they adapt season 3 at an insane rate or make a fourth season though
not in the anime but much later in the manga it's revealed that one significant character's mother died in a car accident during his childhood. nothing graphic is shown but a whole chapter does focus on the family grieving
lots of jokes about and imagery around ghosts due to other characters believing the protagonist can see them but she can’t actually and the story has no real supernatural element
not in the existing two seasons of the anime (and likely not in the forthcoming third) but much later in the manga a main character (shota)’s mother is ill and in and out of hospital, and there are scenes of the characters visiting her there. she recovers and comes home though
nothing explicitly ableist but the main character & a couple of other characters are bullied/picked on/misunderstood due to being socially awkward or quiet, which might be reminiscent of some ableist situations
in the anime characters don't even kiss on screen. later in the manga there is kissing and some very vaguely implied sex but nothing even approaching graphic at all