Marcello, a small and gentle dog groomer, finds himself involved in a dangerous relationship of subjugation with Simone, a former violent boxer who terrorizes the entire neighborhood. In an effort to reaffirm his dignity, Marcello will submit to an unexpected act of vengeance.
The dog does not die, but a man puts a small dog into a fridge/freezer and it is in really bad shape when the main character gets it out and revives it. A dog is viciously kicked when trying to defend its owner from being assaulted. I can't remember if we see that the dog is okay after the fight scene.
There are many scenes with dogs in this film, and for the most part it's the main character treating them with kindness and affection.
A man puts a dog in a freezer drawer to stop it barking. When the main character goes to rescue the dog, it is in very bad shape. In a later scene, a dog tries to defend its owner and a man kicks it really hard.
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There are many scenes with dogs in this film, and for the most part it's the main character treating them with kindness and affection.