A young boy and his friends face off against a mysterious grave robber known only as the Tall Man, who keeps a mysterious arsenal of terrible weapons with him.
This movie contains 16 potentially triggering events.
Technically, the kid comes back in the second movie, but this movie makes it look like he is taken by the monsters at the end and could be assumed dead.
There was one part after the 51-minute mark (when they're checking the car and look inside) where someone has yellow goop dripping out of their mouth, it's presumably blood but I found it a little triggering personally.
There is a scene in which a character hides in a coffin, but the coffin is never fully closed and the character is able to leave the coffin without any issue.
At some parts, the camera shakes to convey chaos and panic as the characters run for their lives. However, these moments are brief and likely not extreme enough to instill motion sickness in most viewers.
There is a somewhat uncomfortable scene where a character is preparing to spy on his older brother have sex, but he is interrupted before anything happens.