Main villain is a person the protagonist was dating, and it implies an established couple in the film involves abuse as well, although this is not explored in as much depth
The whole film is quite possibly a metaphor about sex trafficking. No one is actually assaulted but the whole theme of kidnapping woman and keeping them chained to a certain purpose could be triggering for some.
Several people are semi-conscious while they are operated on and having parts of their bodies removed to be eaten. One woman has had all of her limbs removed and gone insane as a result.
Lots of injuries throughout, some of which probably would realistically involve the breaking of bones, but no injuries where a broken bone is the main point/explicitly shown
A man's penis is bitten to the point of bleeding excessively.
While not shown explicitly, there is a surgery to remove a woman's butt, and another woman's breast. You see them undergo surgery, but the skin, removal, parts, and post surgical healing are not shown.
There is a slice of breast tissue shown and I don't know about you, but my trypophobia HATES that cross-section. It's brief and it's during a dinner scene in the last act of the film
A Black lesbian is severely harmed and in danger throughout but survives. She is not the first one to be harmed or significantly more harmed than anyone else, and it has nothing to do with her sexual orientation. Read major spoilers if you want to know exactly what happens to her but it spoils almost the entire film. MAJOR SPOILERS/PLOT SUMMARY FOLLOWS: ................She is the friend of the protagonist and investigates her disappearance, which results in her also being kidnapped. Her breast is cut off and unknowingly consumed by the protagonist. But she ends up being rescued and even fighting back and having triumphant moments by the end of the film.
A dick pic very early on in the movie and then later theres a sex scene. SPOILER: there is also a scene where steve thinks he's about to get a blow job but Noa bites his dick off instead
Not really. There is a moment near the start where the MC is texting a stranger from a dating app when she suddenly gets an image of a penis which groses her out so it's not lingered on. There's some mild sex scenes with no nudity (underwear remained on), and there is a brief scene where he enters a freezer full of female body parts including a couple of torsos.
Lots of blood, moderate gore. Lots of gruesome bodily injuries occur but there's actually a lot less visual gore shown than I expected in a cannibalism movie. With few exceptions, mostly it tells you what injury is about to happen and then cuts away. You see blood and some images of removed flesh, but the actual injuries are rarely shown as they occur