Danny Phantom is an American animated television series created by Butch Hartman for Nickelodeon, produced by Billionfold Studios. It was distributed by Nelvana, a Canadian animation company, as was The Fairly OddParents.The show is about a 14-year-old named Danny Fenton who, after an accident with an unpredictable portal between the human world and the supernatural "Ghost Zone", becomes half-ghost and frequently saves his town and the world from ghost attacks, while attempting to keep his ghost half a secret from everyone, except his best friends Tucker Foley and Samantha Manson.The series premiered on April 3, 2004 and ended on August 24, 2007; it ran for 3 seasons with a total of 53 episodes. It is currently being released on DVD.On August 5, 2013, Hartman announced the possible revival of the show as a result of persisted praise from fans and successful T.U.F.F. Puppy ratings on his Twitter account, but there has been not yet been any official word from Hartman or Nickelodeon.
This tv show contains 36 potentially triggering events.
In a manner of speaking. Danielle, the clone of Danny that Vlad created, calls him her father--after she fails to be the perfect clone he sought to create, she's left to fend for herself.
Ehhh. As noted above, this is a tricky one. Maddie and Jack legitimately love their children, but a major plot point of this series is that Danny is terrified of his parents knowing he's a half-ghost, and for good reason.
Not explicitly, but the protagonist, a teenager, has to hide a major facet of his identity from his parents, and his parents often talk of dissecting and shooting the protagonist's alter ego, unaware they're discussing their son. Said protagonist, due to the nature of the series, also gets into several violent battles and is thrown around, kicked, punched, etc etc.
Dash is a recurring bully character and does things like shoving people into lockers and dumping food on them. Paulina is a mean girl style bully and uses more verbal tactics to hurt people.
Mentioned but not shown, Sydney Poindexter's backstory mentions he died after some bullies went too far.
In "The Ultimate Enemy," the bad future is set off when Danny's parents, sister, best friends, and teacher die in an explosion.
The same special heavily implies Danny's ghost half violently killed his terrified human half after they were seperated.
Two completely non-sexualized ones in the episode "Eye For An Eye". Vlad takes a shower and Danny turns the wall invisible to embarrass him. Later, Danny takes a shower in the boy's locker room at school, only for Vlad to turn the wall invisible in revenge for the previous prank.
In "The Fenton Menace," Tucker makes a "distraction tape" of sorts so that Danny can cover for his absences--one of the recorded sounds is a bathroom mix with loud farts and strained grunts.
Walker the ghost jailer is introduced in "Prisoners of Love" as the warden in a Ghost Zone jail. Danny is briefly arrested and placed in the prison with his enemies who are also incarcerated there.
Not explicitly STATED to be mentally ill, but Vlad (a villain) clearly has some issues, and Poindexter (another lesser villain) is all BUT stated to have PTSD.
"The Fenton Menace" sees Danny slowly breaking down as his family can't see an invisible enemy pursuing them--he becomes more jittery and fearful as the episode continues into the second half.
Not explicitly stated but c'mon. Have you SEEN Sidney Poindexter? Like half his personality is how horrifically traumatized he is from his last four years alive.
No, but some homophobic jokes are made; at one point, a female character threatens to blackmail two boys with a photo of them cuddling (platonically). A bully character calls the protagonist a twink and implies he's effeminate in a clearly distasteful fashion.
Several jokes are made about a character's perceived intelligence, and mental illness is also often joked about. Expect to hear "crazy"/"crazed" a lot. The creator has also said many controversial things about depression and other mental illnesses.
Sam Manson is made explicitly Jewish in "The Fright Before Christmas"--while her family is rich, it's generational wealth from a popular invention, and nobody acts as a Jewish stereotype.
In the episode "Lucky In Love", Danny accidentally runs into the women's restroom. Paulina says "I'd tell you to go to the men's room, but I don't think you qualify".
Potentially, in "13". Johnny 13 makes Jazz his girlfriend in hopes of giving his actual ghost girlfriend a new body to inhabit. His age is never stated, but he appears to be a 20-something at the youngest where Jazz is sixteen.
Why is everyone voting "no." Have you seen Skulker. He's constantly shooting at people. Gun violence is his THING. Just because it's sci-fi looking laser guns doesn't make it any less gun violence!
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