A series of brand new, hand-crafted, half hours of theatrical catastrophe as The Cornley Polytechnic Drama Society undertake more (overly) ambitious endeavours.
This tv show contains 15 potentially triggering events.
In episode 2, a person pretends to be missing a leg. There are several jokes about this, such as the person disguising their leg as the wallpaper so you can't see it.
In Harper's locket one character gets hit in the groin
by a broom, and another gets his groin area sucked by a vacuum
Is a trail to watch one characters groin gets squashed by a table
There are multiple scenes where due to deliberate prop failure in the show, people's underwear is exposed. In-universe, this is accidental. In real life, this is part of the show and the props are supposed to do this. It is played for laughs.
"The lodge" episode features one of the shows adult actors playing the role of a young girl who is killed at the end of the in universe play.
There is no child actors or in universe child characters being harmed
In "The Pilot (Not The Pilot)," an offstage door has only a few inches of space behind it, causing characters who exit through the door to pile up in awkward positions. Additionally, in "The Spirit of Christmas," a character gets stuck in a chimney and remains there the entire show, eventually complaining about being in pain.
"The lodge" episode has a small sequence of flashing lights to depict a haunting.
It takes place around when the mother and father characters go to sleep on the couch.
In "The lodge" they use a balloon as a baby bump which pops multiple times.
None of the in universe actors are meant to be pregnant and it is treated like the rest of the shows wardrobe/prop "malfunctions"
Some very fake orange coloured blood in a trial to watch, and some slightly more realistic blood in Harper's locket but it's a very small amount and is shown to be fake
In "Harper's Locket," a character's gunshot sound effect continues to go off when it is not supposed to, and when the gun is finally brandished, it doesn't fire.
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