Season 4, episode 4. One of the characters becomes a zombie and eats a stray dog to keep from eating a human. It isn't seen, but it is implied since he has a bag with entrails later.
James (a trans man) isn't depicted as sexually predatory, but his power is being able to swap genitals with cis men, which results in Alex, a cis man (who did not consent to this process), having to exist with a vagina for a while which causes a form of dysphoria and upset. It is also joked about and not taken seriously by other characters. The "process" was corrected by James having to cup Alex's genitals to swap them back, so the process was most likely done the same way in the first place (I cannot remember), which is definitely a form of assault.
SPOILER: simon from the future has to prevent someone from dying so he watches the main characters doing stuff and makes sure that "everything happens as it has to happen"
Season 3, episode 7. An iguana is killed and eaten, but you don't see the death just the body. Same episode, a zombie can is implied to have been killed. Season 4, episode 4 a guinea pig is purchased for the purpose of eating but is thrown at a locker before it gets killed.
Worth noting also that the character with the sexual power can't control it (at least initially?) so anyone she touches becomes intensely attracted to her and graphically vocal about it, resulting in a lot of sexual harassment.
in one episode, two characters are hung by a crazy lady but are rescued in another, a guy hangs himself but kelly saves him in another one all of the main characters are hung by their arms
last episode of season 1 someone falls to their death but you’ll know when it comes as he’s giving a speech then falls
but he gets impaled as well
An infant has the ability to make adults feel extremely protective over him, a main character falls under his influence and abducts him. However, the baby is unharmed and returned to the mother.
Unclear - I’m not sure how old the characters are when the series starts. Nathan makes a sexual joke about Simon’s sister before finding out that she is 12. Nothing very serious.
simon was inpatient but there are no scenes of it he only talks about it. he doesn't get into detail about it, he only talks about a person who was there. he does say "i cant go back there"
Sort of? A character has the ability to change gender and accidentally impregnates their female body. He has his power taken away so he cannot change back into his female self, thus terminating the pregnancy.
There is a literal joke where a character says that men who wear women's clothing are "just sick perverts", but there are no visual gags or stereotypes.
In s1 e2, there is top nudity from a young woman and an old woman. Simon is briefly naked from behind in one of the last episodes of s2 (can’t remember which one). The intro of s2 e2 involves Nathan putting on sunblock while wearing very little (played for laughs).
Nathan considers himself to be homeless. He lives in the community centre (illegally), so he's living fairly comfortably and there's nothing particularly unpleasant in regards to homelessness.