technically not a dog, but a creature (a jackal) that sounds dog-like dies at the end of the first episode, it rlly doesn’t look like a dog but it’s the sounds that bothered me most. there’s no place to put stuff related specifically to snarling etc. but there are dog whining sounds and snarling at the end of the first episode starting at 37:00 and increasing/worsening for the length of the remaining 4 minutes of the episode. ——— second episode immediately opens with intense animal shrieking/snarling which is jarring and intense but brief ——— another jackal shows up around 35:00 in episode two just after the purple portal is opened. it’s later shown dead on a spike, for two full shots, not super close up, but the silhouette is rather disturbing
In the beginning of episode 2 (minor spoilers) Steven checks security footage with the security guard. The monster from episode 1 doesn’t show on the tapes, and the guard acts like he’s being crazy. The scene feels like a sort of gaslighting, even if it’s not the traditional type.
Episode 5 - **SPOILERS** Marc’s mother blames him for the death of his brother and not emotionally becomes distant and cold but we find out she would beat him with a belt
episode 4 : immediately after the "Marvel Studios" logo intro, a scarab is briefly shown in the desert, then it flies away. also a fly lands on Marc's hand about 42 minutes into the episode, only shown in medium shot, not close-up.
Around 28 or 29 minutes into S1E4, a character squashes a mummified skull to crack it open and proceeds to stick his arm inside the corpse and dig around
In epsiode 3 around 9:50-10:03, a teen cuts himself loose when being held off a ledge, causing him to fall to his death. You hear a thud, and then see a far away shot of his dead body at about 10:03-10:12
At the end of the elevator scene in episode 1, Steven turns around and suddenly sees the skull. That got me. In episode 2 there’s a sudden loud noise, which happens multiple times (a light turning on) after the man at the storage facility says “I never forget a face.” First one startled me, the others were unsettling. After Steven leaves the storage unit, there’s an unsettling scene involving the figure with the skull, involving flashing lights and him appearing and moving forward suddenly. Later when Steven’s in the car, after the other two leave and the camera goes to Steven, a ball suddenly bounces off the window.
The main character is not possessed – they have DID (Dissociative Identity Disorder) and so far has alters: Marc, Steven and Jake. Episode 3 shows that the gods can “possess” their avatars for a few minutes to speak through them.
episode 4 is technically safe but (SPOILERS!) when the monster is taking out someone’s organs, layla and steven make noises similar to gagging. when steven opens the coffin, he makes the same noises
The main character has Dissociative Identity Disorder and was previously hired as a mercenary. They are currently fighting villains, and protecting people.
I would definitely say that it is a much better and more realistic portrayal of DID than a lot of other media, but it is also that. A portrayal, and a dramatized one at that.
SPOILER in episode 5, we see Marc meeting Khonshu for the first time. He holds a gun up to his chin and is going to pull the trigger when Khonshu stops him.
In the last couple of episodes especially, the viewer, as well as the 2 main characters, are doubting what is real and what isn't. More specifically, the shots alternate between the afterlife, a psych hospital and memories from the characters lives. And it's unhinged in the way that one frantically goes from floor to floor, seeing different memories on each floor, and when said person tries to go into a room, he's all of a sudden on the road outside. That episode (5) also tackles themes as "what if he's actually just insane and we've just been watching a mental trip for the past 4 episodes" and stuff like that. Also throughout the whole show, a lot of stuff happens that aren't in any way logical, not even for a marvel show.
If this is a trigger for you, I'd probably stay clear of the whole thing, no matter how good it is.
Steven is in a near constant state of distress. In episode two he explicitly says he’s having a panic attack. Episode 5 has both Steven and Marc very distressed through out the whole episode; no explicit panic attacks, but lots of heavy breathing and worrying
Episode 5 has a great deal of blood and some pretty nasty bloodygashes on a character. Also in episode 5, there is a room full of decomposing corpses who become zombies later in the episode, but when the characters hit the zombies there is no gore - whatever body part they hit turns to sand. Earlier on in the same episode, the protagonists’ hearts are pulled out from their chests, but it’s done through magic and not gorey - the hearts aren’t realistic in color or texture