A crash-landed alien named Harry takes on the identity of a small-town Colorado doctor. As he integrates into the human world, he slowly begins to wrestle with the moral dilemma of his secret mission on Earth.
This tv show contains 59 potentially triggering events.
This one's iffy. Harry is autism coded. In the first season he is treated well but in the second season less so. I'd still say no because he's not autistic, he's an alien but he has lots of autistic traits. However, in season 3 it really read as an "obnoxious", autistic child schtick and it becomes very uncomfortable.
The mayor and his wife have a whole arc centered around this. In episode 2 they are briefly shown roleplaying in different outfits and handling different toys. They speak about wax play and other 'escapades'.
During one of the title cards in season 2 there is a cartoon drawing of an alien leaning against a tree with a wet stain on the crotch of his pants. Its played for laughs and he doesnt look distressed.
Asta says her mother left her when she was a baby. Another character (16 years old) says her mother went to Italy "as an excuse to ship me away" to a boot camp
appears in the first episode--Asta's ex. several scenes of arguing& threats, including a flashback at the end, but i don't believe he is shown hurting her directly. she is shown with injuries.
It's at least one whole arc but kind of the theme of the whole show in a broad, vague sense, because the alien is trying to keep the fact he's an alien a secret. Can't say without spoiling a great unfolding of important mystery-shrouded events, but it's definitely a big part of s1 e10 specifically.
In s2 e1 the alien very unenthusiastically acts like he's spanking a kid he has ill will toward throughout the show. The kid isn't in pain but it may be icky for some to watch regardless.
D'Arcy frequently mentions using pills, multiple characters talk about taking drugs. One is unknowingly slipped sleeping pills. Harry takes a mouthful of sleeping pills and passes out in a scene played for comedy. In an art gallery scene 2 characters use acid
The octopus that is sentient and telepathic is attacked and killed the dog that Harry was keeping in the cabin. The dog has the octopus in his jaws and shakes it violently, but there is no blood/gore. The octopus then dies in Harry's arms. It is played for dark humor, but it could definitely be traumatic. As the octopus is dying, he telepathically tells Harry to eat him with butter sauce, which Harry later does.
There is mention of a cat being injured and "having a limp" but the cat is never seen. In S2 E11 there is a cat who is fawned over by his owner and is not injured.
The main character, Harry, has a pet octopus (who he can talk with) who is killed by a dog he kidnapped and was holding hostage. The dog seems completely happy to be there, but he grabs and shakes the octopus to near death. Then the octopus dies in Harry's arms after a tearful conversation. Very unrealistic because of the talking, but it may be upsetting to someone who adores octopi or beings like them.
During a panel when people are speaking about their experiences with aliens, one man talks about being abducted by aliens, strapped to a cold table, and having a long metal rod inserted - - - then he breaks down and shows severe emotional de-stress.
the main character then jokingly says "he was going to say Asshole."
Later in the same episode at 38 minutes when Darcy and... I forget her name are playing pool. They mention Asta missing and her friend callously mentions that maybe she's in the back of a car, pounding and kicking and screaming. It triggered my partner when we were watching so figured I'd mention.
In the first few episodes of season 3, we see people that have been abducted by the Grey Aliens and they are restrained with snake-like cuffs and a gag in their mouth.
In episode 1 or 2, the alien character chokes a man in order to protect another character. She has to calm him down to keep him from killing or really injuring the man he is choking.
It is worth noting, some scenes where the alien's genetic cloaking are failing leave the eyes different sizes and colors and may make some with eye aversions feel icky.
In s2 a character rummages through a trailer and picks up and digs into a teddy bear with its back open and the stuffing torn out to try and find an object she hid inside it.
Several characters are "abducted" but it is never for sexual purposes. There's actually kind of a "reverse" kidnapping in one episode where he finds kids unconscious in his basement because they touched something that blasted them agaisnt the wall, and he has to put them safely back home so he doesn't look suspicious.
S1 Ep. 9 at 38 minutes when Darcy and... I forget her name are playing pool. They mention Asta missing and her friend callously mentions that maybe she's in the back of a car, pounding and kicking and screaming. It triggered my partner when we were watching so figured I'd mention.
There is an episode where people who grew up together/dated throughout their school years and planned to marry end up kissing while one is married. The other is drunk and they initiate it and then they immediately regret it and so far (2 seasons) it has not been pursued any further.
In the beginning of the episode, the main character is having a nightmare and looking for someone and when he turns around there is a character in zombie form. The jumpscare is pretty predictable but it still made me jump.
1x03 when they're searching the lake, the sheriff asks "deputy why is the boat heading towards shore?" and the mayor repeatedly gets sick very loudly. only audio, but repeatedly & graphically, heard over the radio. happens throughout the scenes on the lakeshore until he turns off the radio.
A character says they will kill themselves so they get in a filled bath with a toaster and drop it in. Someone unpluggs it before the toaster hits the water and it's revealed to have never been electrified in the first place.
At the beginning of an episode, a pregnant woman is seen on a bus with her husband. She floats, it flashes, and she is no longer pregnant. May be triggering to some who have lost their baby.
“The Reptilians” are a recurring alien species mentioned and their lore aligns with the conspiracy theory. The “Reptilian” conspiracy theory is antisemitic (the Reptilians = Jews. If there’s a conspiracy theory about a secret cabal insidiously controlling/taking over the world, they probably mean Jews).
Season 2 Episode 1-2 so far is sex implied and max's parents dirty talk/ make out while dirty talking through out the episodes. There is one scene where she is dressed in lingerie and they have
BDSM sex, no nudity, but it is graphic, short scene atleast. Season 2 is far more sexual than the first one. I have not finished the second season yet because it is so uncomfortable.
A large portion in the second half of season 2 deals with Harry’s coming to terms with almost dying as Asta struggles with what she did to save him. A lot of discussion around death, taking a life, and how to cope with existential dread.
In s2 "family day" Sheriff Mike has a flashback in which his friend/ fellow officer is shot by a criminal on the run. We hear the gunshot off screen but do not see the dead body or the gun being fired. Also, at the end of s2 Asta (in a way of self-defense) shoots a bad guy with a rifle before he shoots Harry. There are also machine guns and shooting from the military personnel at the government facitily when Harry and Peter go to break the prisoners out. Peter is shot and killed while protecting his son
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