In the Just Plain Epic route in StD, it can be assumed many artifacts are destroyed in the chaos.
In the Pure Blooded Thief route in ItA, one of the fails has the ruby accidentally launched off the airship.
In Infiltrating the Airship, the Records Room has the "Spook" option, which involves waving a spider on a stick in front of a different character's face. This is unavoidable, as it is the only option that does not result in a Fail.
There is only a worm in Stealing the Diamond when Henry sneak in, which is giant because Henry is small, as he used the Shrink Ray. But nothing that can be classified as a snake.
Completing the Mission is partially set in space, and several characters get thrown out of the aircraft without breathing equipment. in Fleeing the Complex, Ellie 'Force Chokes' (in-game Star Wars reference) Henry to lift him up onto a roof, and Henry gets choked on other occasions.
Theres a lot of struggling to breathe.
Every character is a stick figure, and they get hurt and killed in very brutal ways. there is never any blood and it's shown in an extremely cartoony light, however.
In 2 pathways in ItA, you have to kill the character Right Hand Man, in CtM, when we see him from those routes he is cyborg, with half of his face, one of his arms, and both of his legs robotic, and in one of the routes in CtM, revenged, the main character is a cyborg, with his spine and one if his arms robotic
The opening for ItA, FtC and one of the openings for CtM starts with Henry waking up from being unconsciousness and very few scenes involve Henry knocking others out with brute force.
In CtM, the character Right Hand Man (RhM) has a mechanical eye in about half of the paths due to him losing against Henry and needing cybernetic enhancements to half his head to survive. During the Revenged path, henry stabs a sword through said cybernetic eye.
in Fleeing the Complex, the "Adrenaline" option in the Convict Allies route has Henry jabbing himself in the thigh with a needle full of adrenaline. This results in a fail and is avoidable. In Completing the Mission, the "Bug Juice" option has Henry doing the same, jabbing the needle into his thigh. Again this is a fail and thus avoidable.
Henry jumps off of several structures and makes willing decisions that result in death. This is not out of a desire to commit suicide, and also always results in a Fail, not making it a part of the main path. It is always played for laughs.
There are several options to make Henry jump off of buildings, resulting in a Fail (implying that he dies). It is always played for laughs and does not occur in any of the successful options.
Hard thing to define. There is a kart crashing into a pit in Jewel Baron, a truck crash in fleeing the complex and we can expect ellie, henry and the right hand man to die from their ride crashing after falling off the ramp to the rocket, though it's off screen.
In one of the routes Henry is dropped into water from a high place, so it is implied that he either died at impact or he drowned, nothing is shown though
In Stealing the Diamond, in the chaotic route, there is an option for the Center for Chaos Containment (the CCC) to press a button with the nuclear symbol, which drops a nuke. This results in a Fail and is avoidable. in Completing the mission, there is another CCC scene, if the player selects the Intercom option, it will result in a sniper shooting a nuclear missile.