May or may not be triggering, as a dog doesn’t die on-camera. In S2E2, ‘About Last Night’, a 200-year-old taxidermy dog (originally a characters pet) is a key character in the episode. [spoilers - the taxidermy dog is accidentally set on fire at the end of the episode]
One of the main ghosts is naked from the waist-down, though his genitals are never shown. In s2e2, a character is naked (genitals covered), with a similar scene happening in s4e3
Lady Heather (a very distant relation to Alison) is shown dying in the first episode. she does of old age in her sleep, and comes back as a ghost for a very short amount of time.
Not sure if it counts, but in s4e5, a new ghost is revealed, and died from stepping in a badger trap. There is no visuals shown, but there is audio gore and the characters act disgusted when seeing the injury (with one talking about the gory details)
throughout the whole series Mike Cooper is unable to see the ghosts, and the ghosts watch him while he is unaware. this also happens to alison and other background characters like the builders, Lucy, Mikes parents, et cetera.
One of the main ghosts mary is faulsey accused and burned at the steake for witch craft its now shown but mentioned alot also annies husband is horrible verbaly to her and its gender based but this is only one short scene so take that as you will
not intentionally, but when alison first begins to see the ghosts mike tells her they aren't real a lot in the first ep or two, and 12 mins into ep 1 alison tells pat he isn't real
Thomas Thorne claims he is going to drown himself in the lake, and a seen is shown in the end of him standing in the lake up to his eyes. However since he is a ghost it has no impact, and he is not forced to do so.
Arguably, yes. Julian makes quite frequent comments about patting/pinching women's butts and generally being a sex pest. However, it is rarely actually shown and would probably fit Harassment better than Assault.
Not alive, but there is a group of ghosts who live in the basement because they were all buried there together after death. The burial is not shown on screen, but their remains are
In S3E1, the backstory of a ghost (who’s head and body are separated) shows his decapitation - the camera cuts away right before the actual decapitation is show, but the sounds and swords moving down are included, as well as the beheaded corpse on the floor
The ghost who was killed by falling re-enacts this death every night in her sleep. (walking to the window where it happened, sleep-talking, actually falling)
Humphreys backstory shows he sacrificed himself for his wife when trying to save her. He survives at first but is later accidentally beheaded. All the ghosts and historians believe he was beheaded on purpose as a ‘noble sacrifice’
Nothing is show, but both of Alison’s parents are dead, which is discussed quite a bit in s3. At least 2 of the ghosts had children who survived after the parents death
the ghosts “retch” every time someone walks through them, though i don’t find that very triggering.
however, in series 3 episode 5 (something to share), around 20 minutes in (just after her sister gives her warm oysters) kitty is v**miting into a basin. i found it very triggering and hate to mute it & look away.
Though never specifically stated, it’s implied the Mary has PTSD after being burnt in a witch trial. She is frequently triggered in the series by fire/burning, which is often played for laughs
One of the ghosts is very good at objectifying women the other ghosts label him as 'morally bankrupt' and in season 5 2 ghosts argue about who would win over the weather girl and another character talks to them and basically calld them gross for it
Yes and no? One of the characters does believe in Santa and another says "Santa isn't real-" before changing it to Really and continuing the sentence to not ruin it.
It’s only a short scene, but in one of the apartments Alison and Mike look at there are two ghost pilots floating in the air. It’s implied their plane crashed there during WWII
Quite a lot of blood/gore in the series:
1) one character is beheaded, and usually has his head/body separated. The inside of his neck is show, and a little gory (with a lot of blood in his backstory episode, s3e1).
2: one ghost was shot through the abdomen, and has a visible wound with blood on his cloathes (more blood in his backstory episode, s2e4).
3: not much visible blood, but one ghost has an arrow through is neck (with the injury being shown happening in s1e3).
4: the plague ghosts have bloodied/puss-filled blisters across their bodied (and a character coughs blood in s2e2).
5: audio gore and detailed description in s4e5, from a ghost who died stepping in a badger trap, though nothing is shown.