There's no dog except for a guard dog that appears very briefly in a back yard during a pursuit-on-foot scene - first it barks furiously, then it's sent running because something scares it. That's all.
Hmmm, I dont' know... We do see a person standing on the opposite side of the street from our protagonists' house in the rain and the dark, apparently just looking at the house and drinking from a bottle. The person is hooded, and we only see him from the back, but we soon find out who he is (the bad guy), when he's suddenly sitting in their kitchen, threatening a teen with a gun, having entered the house unnoticed in the night while the family were asleep. ... So there are at least stalking-ish elements.
there is no domestic violence, even though the family is dysfunctionnal and have communication issues, there is no physical, verbal or emotionnal violence within the family
a girl talks briefly about how her parents and especially her dad doesnt seem to care about her and force her to attend tons of extracuricular activities and that she have to "be the best"
The only time anyone is near a large enough amount of water (or liquid of any other kind) for that to potentially happen is a very peaceful scene in which a group of people happen to be standing on the edge of a large lake or inlet in the daytime. There's no danger of any kind, and no one is in the water. It's all prettiness and feelgood harmony.
after the 00:45 minute mark Ernest does more "classic" horror ghost stuff.
!!!CW description of the stuff following:
His head turns 180°, he does the weird four legged crawly walk, his face melts to reveal eyeballs and skeleton, a skinless arm comes out of his mouth to choke the medium.
Not squashed, but a character is killed by being hit with a statue on the back of the head. Another character is hit in the head with a metal frying pan twice, but he's fine afterwards.
Not mutilation, but we see fingers sort of dissolving into thin air from the tips inward, the disappearing edges glowing like molten fire. It looks rather pretty.
Someone is subjected to prolonged pain as a way to subdue him and make him comply, so in that sense, yes. It's not a "classic" torture scene, though. It's a fictional kind of weapon that fires one continuous "beam" at him, the effect being somewhat like that of a taser.
at the end of the movie when Fulton is being chased by Ernest in his house, he falls down stairs but we see him again a few minutes later and he doesnt seem injured
Evil character thrown through a third floor window. We hear him scream, I think, and we see him from above (from the window) after he's hit the ground and died.
Close enough for me: A ghost makes his own face sort of melt/fall off in order to scare someone, and one eye (or both?) falls from its socket and stays dangling against his cheek for a few moments.
One scene made me close my eyes halfway in disgust: A ghost makes it looks like his face is melting/falling/peeling off, and one eye (or both) falls from its socket and stays dangling against his cheek for a few moments.
No grab-and-run type deal, but (SPOILER) someone drops his circa six-year-old daughter off at his sister-in-law's house for a visit or babysitting, and the s-i-l's husband kills and buries him, so the couple can raise the man's child. The girl's mother died giving birth to her, and apparently no one else ever realises what happened, so the girl grows up with them - but as an adult she wants nothing to do with them, because she suspects foul play (she didn't see or hear her father being killed, and they told her that her father abandoned her and disappeared of his own accord).
There is a dog that terrified me as it appears suddenly on the screen barking menacingly at the two kids. Luckily the scene was short and the ghost caused the canine to become more docile.
No they don’t, but at 46 minutes an arm shots out of Ernest’s mouth which for a split second does look like that, and I personally found it quite triggering. Caught me off gard 😅
No. The officers in the movie are antagonists, in that they pursue our heroes, thinking that they've been kidnapped. They seem neither super horrible nor nice.
not electro therapy but at several moments tazers-like guns are used on one of the characters to threaten them/get them to follow orders, so it can be triggering
Hmm... Perhaps to some. Someone is held captive in a fixed force field that acts like a cage/cell, although it doesn't actually have walls. It's something like five by five meters.
No, but at one point someone theorises that a particular character who died long ago may have killed himself, and we as viewers are led to believe that it may be the case. We soon find out that it isn't.
I don't know... An Asian American teen says that her father runs her life, keeping her on a tight schedule with lots of extracurricular activities that she didn't choose, and has way too high expectations of her. She's sad, stressed out and burdened by this; she even refers to her life as being in a jail. I don't know to what extent it's a stereotype, or to what extent it's actually realistic.
A now elderly woman did before we see her of hear of her for the first time. She sits completely still and silent in a chair. We see very, very little of her, and I even think we only see her from the back. No close-ups of her motionless face. One flashback to her as a much younger woman.
There's a car chase scene in which several cars crash along the way (including a car that crashed into a truck, going partially underneath it). No fatalities, and no injuries that we see.
The only time anyone is near a large enough amount of water (or liquid of any other kind) for that to potentially happen is a very peaceful scene in which a group of people happen to be standing on the edge of a large lake or inlet in the daytime. There's no danger of any kind, and no one is in the water. It's all prettiness and feelgood harmony.
A big military group storms into a house at night and point guns at the family members. Two police officers point guns at a teenager in a gas station. A man breaks into a home at night and begins chasing after the family members and shooting at them.
No one is ever actually shot.
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