A skunk is killed off screen by a kid early on and he’s seen carrying the body after. Many other small animals are trapped and killed. Towards the end there is also a half eaten bear.
The father of two young boys is in a horrible state for a long time, then dies violently, and the boys witness his deterioration and, depending on how you see it, his death as well. The boys' mother died in the past. See details of what happens to the dad after the word "spoiler". --- Bonus info: We don't see any old people who are feeble, dying, "fading" or sick. --- ----- SPOILER ----- The father turns into a wendigo over a long period of time, becoming sicker and sicker and more and more beastly in appearance and behaviour, until the wendigo form takes over by bursting out through his human body, leaving it a husk. Not long after, the wendigo is skewered/stabbed to death by an adult and the oldest boy (12 y.o.). Whether the dad dies when his human body dies or when the wendigo body is killed is hard to say, since there still seems to be something left of the dad in the wendigo even after his own body is gone: the otherwise human-eating wendigo wants the boys near it and doesn't harm them.