A serendipitous encounter one winter in New York, with reels of 16mm film shot in Delhi, India in 1952. Dislocations in time and space, an incantation to liminal spaces of freedom and belonging. The film reels were salvaged from an antique store in Owego, NY by video artist and engineer, Dave Jones, who collaborated with Subramanian on analog video experiments with the footage
This movie contains 59 potentially triggering events.
Unsure? A woman bleeds near her crotch, but I think it’s more implied in a pregnancy context than a period context. Either way, it’s once during the scene at the forbidden tunnel
The child becomes sick from a curse. There is a point in the movie where the mother is not allowed to feed her child for 7 days. She ends up giving the child a small piece of food but gets her to throw it up after.
I’m response to the above, I don’t think they were trying to eat the main character. They bit her, and said their teeth were itchy, not that they were hungry.
A burning body is shown hanging/suspended on a high pole, and the doctor is referenced on the radio to have been found hanging after an explosion at the hospital.
Not sure what would be defined as excessive. Heads get smashed, entrails are shown, a bloody rash of little holes covers characters’ bodies, a woman scratches at the back of her head to the point of ripping off chunks of flesh and hair.
The daughter appears to have wet herself when she’s in the bed for the seven days of no food. They don’t address it so it’s possible she’s supposed to have sweated through her clothes, but it looks like bed wetting.
SPOILER - A character who is not mentally ill, but is perceived to be having a psychotic break by other characters is implied to have planned to use her daughter as a human sacrifice. The same character also intentionally spreads a harmful curse to others to protect herself and her daughter.
There’s a scene with a character in a wheelchair and a shop vendor says she can do a different toy instead of a kite because she’s sitting down anyways.
I'd like to add that towards the end of the movie there are a couple of body horror scene that can very easily trigger trypophobia, as there is a character cowered in wounds that look like little holes