somebody does technically fall and die, but it's implied they didn't die directly from the fall.
there are perilous scenes involving falling but as far as i recall, nobody dies from falling.
Episode 1 - 40:00 - blood,
Episode 3 - 14:30, 16:15 - no idea what that was, Episode 7 - 11:55, 16:15, Episode 8 - 7:35
And many more water vomiting scenes
3rd episode, you can see a syringe a few times on screen from 18:10 to 18:30, being used to draw blood from someone, and later on just a needle for a second of screen time.
I watched this w/ photosensitive gf but everyone is different. The station has slowly flashing lights.
Ep. 5 at 12 minutes has the worst as there is lots of gunfire in the darkness.
Ep. 7 a little past 6:30 has a gunshot right towards the camera that is rather bright.
There are several gunshots throughout the episode, this is probably the most flashy.
Ep. 8 there is lots of gunfire flashing in this one - near the beginning of the episode during a flashback. This scene repeats several times and usually has flashing each time.
there is a scene near the end where one of the characters helmet lights flicker until they turn off, that is rather flashy.