An extended version of the film, simply titled The Extended Cut, was released on iTunes on December 14, 2021 in the United States and Canada, and will be available on DVD on January 11, 2022.
At about 9:18, a police officer discovers a dog's body on the floor and it is briefly shown on the floor for about 10-15 seconds as the officer moves into the next room. The dog is not killed on screen and is not shown in great detail (if the officer didn't say it was a dead dog, it's unlikely you'd know what it was).
There is one scene where Michael is killing a group of people in a car when he slams a door open, hitting someone's gun and causing them to accidentally shoot themself in the head.
A mentally ill man is accused of being Michael Myers and the angry townsfolk essentially form a mob and attempt to catch and kill him, but they drive him to jump out a window in fear.
There are multiple hospital scenes including a surgery scene towards the beginning of the film (about 15-20 minutes in). As soon as you see a main character wheeled in on a stretcher, be aware that there is a surgery scene coming up shortly. This is also followed by a morgue scene and several other general hospital scenes throughout the film.