The iconic creatures from two of the scariest film franchises in movie history wage their most brutal battle ever—in our own backyard. The small town of Gunnison, Colorado becomes a war zone between two of the deadliest extra-terrestrial life forms—the Alien and the Predator. When a Predator scout ship crash-lands in the hills outside the town, Alien Facehuggers and a hybrid Alien/Predator are released and begin to terrorize the town.
This movie contains 24 potentially triggering events.
The hobo's dog clearly whines and runs off in the opposite direction to the one the aliens come in from. He sensed them and legged it. The Brothers Strausse even made it clear in some video clip interview as they were asked by whoever was hosting the show. 'Everyone dies but that dog'. The Predalien, for whatever damned reason, only targeted women for implanted chest/bellybursters.
A young man is being attacked by a xenomorph when a predator kills it. The xenomorph's acid blood drips onto his face and melts away his eyes and skin.
The pred-alien attacks a maternity ward, killing several pregnant women, one of their deaths is shown in graphic detail, it forces several xenomorph eggs down her throat. Their chest busted corpses are later shown.