A baby alligator is flushed down a toilet and survives by eating discarded lab animals, injected with growth hormones. The now gigantic animal escapes the city sewers and goes on a rampage, pursued by a cop and a big-game hunter.
This movie contains 16 potentially triggering events.
It's subtle, but the father is emotionally abuse and toxic. He indulges her by buying her the gator then swing into rage without warning and flushes it
A character swigs alcohol when hunting the alligator, but it’s not inherently clear he abuses it. Probably not best to skull it whilst hunting a giant alligator, though…
At the beginning of the movie, a man is shown stealing dogs off the street and bringing them to an animal testing lab to be used for experiments.
in another scene, a scientist explains how they cut the larynx of the dogs so they can't make a lot of noise while they're in their cages. And then a couple of dogs pitifully try and park. It can be very upsetting for people.
The female character serves little purpose other than offering a book to the main character (so he can study himself, instead of the alligator specialist telling him, of course) and being a sexual/romantic interest.