Picking up where The Suicide Squad (2021) left off, Peacemaker returns home after recovering from his encounter with Bloodsport - only to discover that his freedom comes with a price.
This movie contains 57 potentially triggering events.
At the beginning of the show, Peacemaker has just gotten out of prison. He was arrested without telling Vigilante and he still kept trying to contact him while he was in jail
Two dead possums and a squirrel are shown. Other animals die on screen, but their bodies aren’t focused on after the fact. Refer to the “does an animal die” question for more in depth details.
There is a torture scene where Vigilante’s genitalia is electrocuted and half of his pinky toe is cut off. The scene is referenced multiple times following this.
**THE FOLLOWING CONTAINS MINOR SPOILERS** In episode 3, two children are shot offscreen. In episode 4, a child is briefly shown dying following a hit to the head and subsequent seizure; this is graphically shown in episode 7, and is very upsetting for individuals sensitive to child death.
I don't think he was supposed to be a ghost, but rather a depiction of how an abusive parent never leaves your mind when you have PTSD. As a person who suffers from that exact thing, I thought it was an okay depiction.
In episode 8, right when Economos enters the Butterflies’ barn, he immediately barfs out of sheer nervousness. It’s visible, but zoomed out enough that you don’t see a lot of detail. The scene lasts only a few moments.
While not outright confirmed (but acknowledged by the creator), Vigilante is very strongly autistic coded and is often treated as creepy, weird, or an asshole for not understanding others’ feelings. Not necessarily abuse, but something I as an autistic person found mildly upsetting.
While looking at an xray, Peacemaker is upset that his arm muscles don't look big enough. He asks a doctor if they can take an xray that makes the muscles more pronounced. Peacemaker becomes defensive about the size of his arms when the doctor tells him no.
The main character’s neo nazi father hatefully uses the full two-syllable F slur multiple times, memorably at least twice in episode 7 (though there might have been more instances)
God is mentioned a lot. The White Dragon says how God challenged him with Peacemakers birth. Peacemaker says he believes God put him on earth for a purpose. He also prays to keep his pet alive
Both peacemaker and Vigilantes asses are shown. There is a sex scene between Peacemaker and a girl from a bar. A picture of a nude is shown on an iPad and breasts are shown 3 times. Nothing from the male front.
Peacemaker lies to Vigilante that he doesn’t cry and this comes back at him when he cries after killing his father, Auggie. There’s an initial misconception that Peacemaker is “doing face exercises” but when Economos tells Vigilante what’s actually happening he shows care. Auggie was also extremely abusive and ridicules Peacemaker for his sensitivity and bisexuality.