In addition to the chihuahua killed by a car, a tenant discovers that her landlord killed one of her beloved dogs while she was out of town. Nothing is shown, but it’s upsetting thinking someone could do such a thing
Child is threatened with violence and verbally abused by a man his mom allows to stay with them. Woman attempts to murder housemate and likely murdered husband (discussed - violence not shown)
A landlord is described hitting a tenant’s smaller dog, (Pepper), to death because Pepper killed one of his chickens. It was very disturbing and upsetting to listen to them talk about it, but nothing is shown thankfully.
In “Roommate wanted- Part 2” one of the victims is arrested and not allowed in her apartment. She has sick cats that needed medication. The serial squatter took her cats to a shelter and by the time the victim was able to get the cat, it was too sick and had to be euthanized. He took her other cats as his own. The cat Abigail also dies sometime later and it is unclear how.
Yes, multiple pets die throughout the series. Off screen, but it's mentioned and can still be extremely triggering. Most of the pets that die are cats, which leads me to believe the showrunners are cat haters.