A team of parapsychologists sets out to investigate a series of anomalous phenomena taking place in a newly occupied apartment. Telephone calls with no caller, mysterious shadows, extraordinary light emissions, flying objects, and exploding light bulbs are some of the events they will face while recording their every step with state-of-the-art technology. Using infrared filming, digital photography, psychophonic recordings, movement detectors, and magnetic field alteration meters, the group’s attempts to contact the “other side” will grow increasingly dangerous as they near a point of no return.
This movie contains 2 potentially triggering events.
There is a lengthy scene where a severely depressed Schizophrenic woman's symptoms are vividly described and subsequently demonized by her own husband. She is made out to be "wicked" and "twisted" for experiencing avolition and anhedonia; her symptoms are put into a malicious light, as though they were spiteful slights intended to harm her family, rather than the natural consequences of untreated illness.