A dog is shot offscreen, but you hear the dog whimper very briefly before a gunshot. Immediately afterwards, you see a man holding a smoking rifle, standing in front of the dog, which is lying dead on the ground. The man and dog are shot at some distance and there seems to be a small amount of blood on the dog's muzzle, but it's hard to make out any further details.
There is a brief jump scare in which a figure rises from a bed behind a man. Once you see the creature walking on the ceiling above his head, you're a few seconds away from the jump scare.
There is a scene where the protagonist approaches someone whom he believes to be a cis woman, but she turns out to be an AMAB person in women's clothing. It's not played for humour, but it is presented as a surprise and a minor mystery.
There is a shot of a dead dog, and a man standing over it with a smoking rifle. You don't see the dog die, but you do hear it briefly whimper before it is shot.
A dog is shot, and is seen with some blood on its muzzle at a distance. A boy's neck is bitten by a creature and large amounts of blood flow from his neck. A man is shot in the head, causing blood to spray onto the person behind him. Another man is bitten on the neck, and large amounts of blood flow onto the floor and his clothes. Several people are seen with blood around their mouths. A severed head appears in several scenes.
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