Two of the player characters have spouses who regularly physically assault them. This is played for laughs in a cartoonish way, but is still uncomfortable to watch.
All the characters are supposedly stuffed toys (though this is never mentioned out loud), so instead of bleeding when injured they flash red and spout some stuffing.
This is a way that the player character can die in some situations. It just plays the character's standard death animation though, no actual crushing damage is shown.
One of the playable characters is a "firefox" or red panda named Chang. He speaks with a slight stereotypical chinese accent and incorrect grammar (example: "Chang not sure if that a compliment or not"). Additionally he's extremely skilled with martial arts and technology, makes loud "hi-yah" sounds when fighting or healing, and his special ability is being small enough to get into spaces that the other characters can't.
It isn't intentional as this game was released a year before 9/11 happened. However, one of the first levels of the game takes place across two skyscraper towers collectively referred to as the "World Quack Center". At the end of this level, a plane crashes into a radio tower built on top of one of the towers, knocking it down to form a bridge to the roof of the other tower. Another mission in this level includes making one of the towers sway far enough from side-to-side that someone is able to jump from a balcony of one to the other.