Online Players in the chat could potentially say hateful things & other hate speech, but these people do not reflect the developers beliefs and they ban anyone like this. You can block & report said people as well.
there are skins in which the kill effect is changed to have the victim’s body become completely amputated but it’s more like a lego character disassembling
in the experimental game mods can spawn in cars that insta kill people by running them over, again nothing graphic and its more for laughs (the car even has an accident counter visible if youre driving it)
It is possible for online players to bully other online players, though this is again entirely dependent on the players and is not always gaurenteed to happen. These actions are not supported by the game staff, and there are options to report said people.
crawlipede is a centipede-like gootraxian and the way you obtain it includes centipedes crawling on the screen with a descriptor saying “You feel something crawling on your skin…” paired with sound effects that sound like writhing insects
but saturn is a dog-like creature and can be killed