Growing up can be a bumpy road, and it's no exception for Riley, who is uprooted from her Midwest life when her father starts a new job in San Francisco. Riley's guiding emotions— Joy, Fear, Anger, Disgust and Sadness—live in Headquarters, the control centre inside Riley's mind, where they help advise her through everyday life and tries to keep things positive, but the emotions conflict on how best to navigate a new city, house and school.
This movie contains 17 potentially triggering events.
There is a clown named Jangles living inside Riley's subconscious. Even if he's a cartoon clown, he still has disturbing eyes and lines that may scare some viewers.
There are cop-like characters in a brief scene and they parody a famous line from Chinatown (a 1970s popular movie) but the scene is only a few seconds long and has no plot impact at all. The entire point of those characters in that very brief scene was most likely just a nod to that movie rather than to be cops or act like cops. It probably isn't copaganda, but it is still barely possible to argue out an angle that it could be.
There is an extremely brief scene in the beginning where it depicts Riley’s first day of school and she is chewing her cereal rather loudly and as someone with moderate misophonia it was a bit triggering
In a scene where the characters go through an abstract thought room, the characters must escape while changing form and momentarily becoming 2-dimensional. This is frightening for them.
Although there isn't any said/done outright, there is one character that mentions wanting to use it. Also, in the end credits in a fun bonus scene after the movie, there is a character that learns how to use a swear word button and although it doesn't actually swear, it does use the bleeping sound played over swear words.
There is narration directed at the viewer by one of the characters in the film. It's mostly voice over narration, though, I don't remember if she ever makes eye contact with the camera
A character is constantly told to cheer up and right herself, even though she’s quite literally the embodiment of sadness, a major part of many mental disorders.
There are only 2 possible reason I can think of as to why somebody had marked this as yes, but I had to really think hard as to why they would because it was quite inconsequential and not actually sexual at all. Theory 1 is because the main character is shown to be at the age of puberty. Both her and a character she meets at the very end of the movie are shown to be developing a romantic crush for the first time, but there isn't anything sexual about it. Theory 2 is because the mother of the main character is shown to have a memory of a past lover she did not end up with. As I said earlier, though there's nothing sexual (or even detailed at all) about either scene.
There is a brief memory of Riley as a child when her father had to chase her down after she ran out of the bathtub naked, but only her backside is shown and the nudity lasts less than a minute at the very most.