They show a golden retriever in episode 7 of Delicate but it's unknown currently on what happened to him. Not sure if the husband returned him after adopting. Will update if episode 8 shows anything else.
At the very start of episode 4, and throughout the beginning a dead and bloodied raccoon. She also wraps it up and brings it inside to try and bring it back to life. It’s seen again in a bloody wrap. Then at the very end, you see it again and she lovingly picks it up, then eats it. Graphic.
Black cat is shown in episode 6 opening night. Unsure for future episodes if anything happens to him but just wanted to update that they do show a cat appear and meow. It also scratches the individual who picked him up to see him.
Another part of gaslighting.
It's assumed that an internal ultrasound causes her miscarriage. Ultrasound is shown on screen, not discussed as assault, but is very graphically implied that the female ultrasound tech is intentionally trying to cause the miscarriage.
Another episode the main character has a pelvic floor therapy session with a woman. The physical therapist does not stop when Anna asks her to multiple times, and loudly. Anna calls this what it was, assault - but again, gaslighting - everyone around her dismisses her experience. This instance is not graphic, but it is extremely uncomfortable and frustrating.
Ep. 2: Imediately after the opening credits, Emma Roberts character Anna is s***. Very close to camera. Lasts a couple of seconds. Again at 19mins Anna is in the restroom before the award show begins. She is talking to a woman when she starts to look visibly unsettled. Turn away. This scene lasts a short while but the visual and audio are definitely triggering. The last time is the worst. After Anna gets on stage to accept her award she v***. It is extremely triggering both visually and audibly. It’s over around 22:30. I highly recommend fast forwarding through this scene.
Ep. 3: Safe!
Ep. 4: At 24:20 it shows Anna’s black and white film reel. She leans over a toilet and makes movements like she is v***ing. There is no visual and no audio other than her voice over and a toilet flush noise. During the reel she says the words “v****” and “get s***”. At 33:50 Anna is intensely shoveling food into her mouth. Closeups and noises that may make some people uncomfortable. This happens again quite suddenly at the 36:45 mark.
Ep. 5: Not v**** but could be triggering: At 34:17 Anna becomes visibly uncomfortable and starts coughing really hard. She coughs up some blood and animal teeth into her hand. Over at 34:43.
Although we don't see actual menstruation, menstruation blood is depicted on an artist canvas and another few scenes blood is seen coming from the woman's genital area for other reasons not menstruation related.
*NOT A DEFINITE YES* No mention exactly of an ED but there was a scene where the Anna is seen rapidly binge eating ice cream and pickles. I found it a bit disturbing might be for others too. Also not mentioned but it seems like she might deal with pica in future episodes.
The intro to the show in each episode has a lot of blood and disturbing images of placenta thrown and pregnant women’s stomachs moving with spiders and blood pouring off medical tables used for obgyn exams.