A dog belonging to the protagonists is shot and killed off-screen; there are two shots of its dead body: when it's discovered the dog's dead and when one of the protagonists carries the dog's body to be buried.
A puppy is later shown being swept into flood waters, but it is rescued unharmed.
The two primary protagonists smoke what look like homemade cigarettes while on the prairie, and just before the big shootout in the climax they and a major supporting character each smoke a Cuban cigar.
A story told throughout the film is how a very minor villain got his arm broken by a minor character, though we do not seen the actual act occur. When we finally meet that same minor villain in the climax, he has his arm in a cast and sling.
A child is mentioned as dying from typhus in one character's backstory, though it's only mentioned briefly and not brought up again or shown on screen.
One of the principal protagonists is seen spitting on the ground while speaking to some characters throughout the film, though it's only on the ground and never toward any people or animals.
Multiple people are shot in the gun battle in the film's climax, but the amount of blood seen is hardly noticeable aside from blood smearing on buildings or when characters are shot. One minor character has dried blood on their face after being taken out of jail, and another suffers a head wound where blood can be seen on his temple. Another character gets blood spattered on her neck and cheek after the man she's being held hostage by is shot to death. The villain is shown with a bloodied shoulder in the climax and later gets shot in the hand that turns it into a bloody mess with an almost amputated finger.
There's a long gun battle involving multiple people toward the end of the film, starting with someone being shot in the head and killed instantly. Some of the villain's lackeys are slapped/hit with a pistol.
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A puppy is later shown being swept into flood waters, but it is rescued unharmed.