Two brothers, Wirt and Greg, find themselves lost in the Unknown; a strange forest adrift in time. With the help of a wise old Woodsman and a foul-tempered bluebird named Beatrice, Wirt and Greg must travel across this strange land, in hope of finding their way home. Join them as they encounter surprises and obstacles on their journey through the wood.
This tv show contains 29 potentially triggering events.
No spiders. The closest thing you see onscreen is a character who sort of webs people up with yarn in episode six, but they don’t have any arachnoid features.
Another character uses a bit of spiderweb for something in a later episode, but no spiders are shown there either.
The Beast’s true form is very fleshy and has multiple screaming faces on it. However you’d only notice it if you pause at a specific moment in the final episode
Only one, from what I can think of - there's a scene in the last episode where a light is cast on the Beast, revealing what he looks like aside from the shadowy figure he's often shown as, and it's fairly disturbing and can catch some viewers off-guard.
Minor spoiler: One of the recently introduced characters is revealed to be possessed in one of the last episodes. She ends up being cured of the possession, however.
There are blue and red ambulance lights in the last episode of the series. The lights color the whole screen, and although they aren't super bright, they are much brighter than most of the other colors in the show so it can be a bit jarring.
Mild example but two female witch characters are voiced by cis men. Although while it’s made slightly awkward knowing John Cleese’s IRL transphobia I otherwise don’t qualify it as “offensive” per say, although there’s arguably still an otherworldliness quality to the casting
I mean technically the plot concerns two kids being spirited away to another world which is not long at all in the real world but to them it lasts days and they often have to travel from place to place to seek shelter. YMMV on fantasy situations
There are train horns, quietly, in the beginning of all the episodes, then in episode 9, there's a scene with a train with a loud horn. There is a scene where a cop car follows the kids through the graveyard, I am unsure if there are loud sounds tho.
No blood/gore, but there is a somewhat gross-looking scene that shows what the Beast really looks like. It's only really visible if you pause it at the right moment, however.
Towards the end of the series, there is a scene where Wirt almost drowns and is saved. The conclusion of the series reveals that Greg and Wirt were almost hit by a train and fell into a pond, almost drowning but being saved.