When an awkward but brilliant Chinese student wins a scholarship into a prestigious New Zealand University, she finds a new way of achieving the popularity she craves one bloody body at a time.
This movie contains 31 potentially triggering events.
A mouse is fed to a snake in the beginning. The mouse is lowered into the tank and you hear sounds of distress, but nothing is shown on camera. There are also brief glimpses of dead mice being dissected.
Yes,but not by a hand. The skin-grafting goes wrong and two male characters have skin grow over their mouth. One has nose and mouth and eyes grow over.
YES. Not as much as, say, the Substance or The Fly (1986) but more than your average horror movie. There is ugly, hard-to-watch body horror in scene before the opening titles. You only need to watch that opening to eee if there’s too much for you. I have a very strong stomach when it comes to body horror, but the pre-credits scene made me wince, it also includes a gruesome multiple stabbing.
There's a scene when Wei is in the nurse's office where she starts coughing and looks like she might vomit, but she doesn't, and there are no other instances in the film where someone looks like they are about to throw up