Shaun lives a supremely uneventful life, which revolves around his girlfriend, his mother, and, above all, his local pub. This gentle routine is threatened when the dead return to life and make strenuous attempts to snack on ordinary Londoners.
This movie contains 41 potentially triggering events.
Shaun does recall a childhood memory where Phillip chased him with a bit of wood after Shaun put a Mars bar in the glove compartment of his prized car. Nothing is shown, though.
No, although Shaun tells his mother that his step-father touched him in an attempt to turn her against him, but immediately comes clean to the lie apologetically
It's out of focus, but as Shaun and Ed are leaving the Winchester, we see a couple next to a phone booth. Shaun and Ed think that they are making out, but it turns out that the woman is a zombie and the man's head, from the neck up, falls backwards and is hanging off his body.
David is torn apart by zombies and his head is one of the parts that we see torn off. It's one of the more graphic deaths in the movie.
someone is killed by a lot of zombies onscreen while they're trying to escape from the pub, and a leg is taken off his body, and someone else carries it around and uses the leg as a weapon
Someone is violently ripped apart, scene is about a minute long. A window breaks and a character is pulled out into the zombies, shut your ears and maybe eyes if you don’t like audio and visual gore and also lots of screaming :)
SPOILERS: although you could argue a mild example of yes since the military saves Shaun and Liz at the last minute at the end of the movie, and the epilogue implies that they were key to stopping the zombie crisis
The most notable is probably the car alarm going off after Shaun and Ed walk outside of their flat. Ed accidentally pushes the button that sets the alarm off.
Fuck is used frequently. There is a scene where Pete rants about his job and says it multiple times. C*nt is also used by Ed, but casually to his friends not as an insult. Ed also gives the middle finger, again with his friends as a joke.
only zombies but the injuries are shown in graphic detail and when they escape the pub at the end a bunch of zombies are run over by a bus and it's very graphic