Tyler Rake, a fearless mercenary who offers his services on the black market, embarks on a dangerous mission when he is hired to rescue the kidnapped son of a Mumbai crime lord…
This movie contains 25 potentially triggering events.
There are recurring child characters who work for a gang boss. They are involved in a fight and are injured. One teen is shot and another is thrown off of a building.
A teen is shot within the first few minutes of the movie (right after the police question him for smoking a joint) and a child is thrown off of a building (the scene where the children are on the roof).
"Ill take this, stick it in his ass, and blow his insides out" about a teenager who is kidnapped as part of the main plot. Why in his ass????? Feels wholly unnecessary.
Yes and no. A teen cuts off his finger at the request of a gang boss. It's not shown on screen but he does present it afterwards. It is not self harm due to mental illness.