This English-language adaptation of the Swedish novel by Stieg Larsson follows a disgraced journalist, Mikael Blomkvist, as he investigates the disappearance of a weary patriarch's niece from 40 years ago. He is aided by the pierced, tattooed, punk computer hacker named Lisbeth Salander. As they work together in the investigation, Blomkvist and Salander uncover immense corruption beyond anything they have ever imagined.
This movie contains 63 potentially triggering events.
It wasn’t “only a cat”. If you don’t like cats please keep it to yourself. This site is about animals being abused and killed. Not just dogs. A sweet, pretty cat that the lead befriends is horribly murdered, and it’s mutilated body shown up close.
while there is no direct or detailed depiction of mental illness, there is discussion of a character having been institutionalized in the past for violence and mental illness and a character does refer to themselves as being "insane," which may be triggering for some viewers
there is a flashback scene to a known abuser attempting to use a belt to kill someone. the scene is brief and the victim does escape, but the discussion and visual may be triggering for some viewers
Not shown, but the oral descriptions of previous murder cases include the details of a cow’s throat being slit and having its blood poured onto a human victim, a parakeet being stuffed into another victim’s body, and a burnt pigeon (briefly shown in a decades-old, black and white photo) to another victim’s neck.
Since some people like myself can handle dead/quickly-dying animals fine, but are conversely EXTREMELY triggered by abuse/slow suffering/torture, I wouldn't categorize this as abuse.
Its grotesque, but you don't see/hear the cat suffer, and you don't see/hear it die, and the reaction from the protagonists is appropriate and relatable.
Around 1 hr and 29min he'll leave his computer and open the door and yell "FU**". At this point you should immediately look away, there is a very graphic and realistic looking dead cat.
no character is crushed to death on screen, however there is a mention of a previous murder cases where the victim was crushed and a visual is displayed on screen for a few seconds. there are also two scenes where a character is injured and pinned in a car crash, though neither die as a result
there are three visuals of attempted asphyxiation shown on screen. one character is grappled from behind and choked until unconscious, which is shown in a series of brief clips. one is an extended scene where a character is hung (though later is rescued), and the last is a brief flashback clip where a character is choked with a belt (though escapes off screen)
I don't believe any characters are stabbed on screen, however there are mentions of previous murder cases whose victims were stabbed, and visuals are displayed on screen for a few seconds
during the investigation there is some discussion of bible verses, which are narrated. there are also family members who are nazis and antisemitism is discussed as a possible motivation for murder