Truman Burbank is the star of The Truman Show, a 24-hour-a-day reality TV show that broadcasts every aspect of his life without his knowledge. His entire life has been an unending soap opera for consumption by the rest of the world. And everyone he knows, including his wife and his best friend is really an actor, paid to be part of his life.
This movie contains 32 potentially triggering events.
Truman and his wife have a physical fight. She lies to him, he gets aggressive, she wards him off with a knife, but he overpowers her and holds the knife to her throat before the fight is interrupted.
Whenever Truman discovers evidence that there's something strange about his life, a character will swoop in and make him think it's perfectly normal and he's just delusional.
Spoilers Sort of, in the sense that the creator intentionally capsizes Truman’s boat, which Truman is tied to, and it’s implied that this could very likely kill him.
Tricky; it's implied that Truman is still continuously recorded, even when having sex and using the bathroom. The hypothetical conceiving of a child onscreen is discussed.
Amputation is mentioned, and there is a scene where a bunch of actors pretending to be surgeons have to pretend to amputate a leg when Truman is watching them, but no actual amputation is carried out.
There is a flashback scene where Truman's father appears to drown in a storm. Although the father is later revealed to be alive, the scene of his apparent death may still be traumatic for some viewers.
Truman looks at some old photos of his wedding and sees that his wife (or, rather, the woman playing his wife) crossed her fingers at their wedding, meaning that she didn't really mean any of her vows.
Truman’s (very legitimate) concerns are constantly explained by others as a form of paranoia. He is also manipulated into developing mental illnesses and phobias so he won’t ever leave the island. Finally, someone tries to explain the truth to Truman, but they are constantly interrupted by another character and told that they’re crazy.
A stage light falls from the sky, but Truman is told via radio that it was a plane losing parts mid-flight. No plane crash actually occurs or depicted outside of this.