Traci Harmon, a veteran female training officer, and her rookie male ride-along, Alex Diaz, navigate the loss of a fellow officer and politics of modern day policing — in the department and on the streets of Long Beach.
This tv show contains 1 potentially triggering events.
A dog is hit by a car off screen. It is shown in pain and suffering, police decide to dispatch it when they realise it is too severely injured to be saved.
Dog is hit by car but you don’t see it. You see the dog injured and hear it crying. It’s awful. So I had to stop and look it up. The one cop ends up killing the dog to put it out of its misery but you don’t see it and I didn’t watch it but other comments suggest they don’t show it but it does show the lifeless dog after which is what it looked like as I fast-forwarded past it. To avoid this trigger at all, skip the first 5-6 minutes of the show.
Child found locked in a garage and tied to a chair to have an exorcism performed on her. The child is saved. Same episode a dad has his son in the backseat of the car, and lights himself on fire. The child is rescued before the fire spreads and the fire is put out with the father even surviving.
Yes, at the gas station the father sets himself on fire as a way to attempt suicide. I personally had to skip the whole scene. Luckily the fire doesn't spread to the kid and when the dad is put out, there's a quick moment you can see his burned head.
First scene, officer gets shot in the throat and bleeds out on the ground. Very graphic and close ups. Shown again throughout the episode in flashbacks.
When officers respond to a domestic incident where a son attacks his mother, the mother locks herself in the bathroom and is shown to have jammed a needle into her leg and has overdosed.
When officers respond to a domestic incident where a son attacks his mother, the mother locks herself in the bathroom and is shown to have jammed a needle into her leg and has overdosed.
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