In season 5, there is a scene where Dorothy goes to a place to see Gator’s mom. Although she thinks that this event was real, it was all a dream. And she continues to think she saw Gator’s mom, until Gator asks, “Did you really see my mom” at the end of season 5. She later realizes that it was not real and tells Gator she never saw his mom. It can be confusing if not noticed because they don’t explain that it was a dream.
The Gerhardt children are all adults, but there are multiple mentions of physical and emotional abuse from their father.
Abuse of his daughter by Dodd Gerhardt is also a recurring plot point.
The main plot of season 5 does show a woman being abused by the main villan, Roy Tillman. However the main characters entire story is trying to kill him, and let's just say he gets his just desserts.
Women do experience violence frequently, but only as much as their male counterparts. I wouldn't say for spectacle as it is crucial to the plot, but the violence could be described as "gratuitous". None of the violence is seen as a good thing though.
Actually, I retract my statement. An abused son commits attempted kidnapping and murder to make his abusive father proud. He does learn his lesson by the end though.
S1 Ep7: SPOILER______________a man is having sex with a woman, she says 'slow down, you're hurting me' and he says 'sorry' but doesn't slow down and speeds up instead. Meanwhile he's thinking about this woman's ex husband, the person who bullied him and it basically shows he's having 'sex' with her roughly her as revenge for the bullying. Can't remember starting timestamp but there's a flirting scene that leads up to this scene. Ends at 43.06 She also only initially agreed to sex with him because of a promise he made which he knew was a lie. We see her being angry about this lie in a scene after
S1 Ep7: SPOILER______________a man is having sex with a woman, she says 'slow down, you're hurting me' and he says 'sorry' but doesn't slow down and speeds up instead. During this it shows him fantasizing, it basically shows he's enjoying having 'sex' with her roughly as revenge for her husband previously bullying him. Can't remember starting timestamp but there's a flirting scene that leads up to this scene. Ends at 43.06 She also only initially agreed to have sex with him because of a promise he made which was a lie. We see her being angry about this lie in a scene after
Hanzee Dent, an Indigenous man, asks for a hair cut from a character but ultimately does not go through with it. He asks for something “professional” and states he is “tired of this life” alluding to the racism he faces and the chaotic life he leads working for the main crime family in the season.
There is an earlier very briefly depicted flashback of him as a child at an American Indian Boarding School where his hair is shorter (this was often done as an attempt to eliminate Indigenous cultural ties). Though Hanzee’s specific group is not mentioned, hair for many Indigenous cultures has a strong spiritual and emotional significance.
A character takes some buckshot to his hand and cam not go to the hospital. We see it get infected and fester over a few episodes. At one point another character injures the hand on purpose to gain information.
Season 3 - A man's head gets partially destroyed by a falling air conditioner (episode 1). The corpse is shown from a distance but his corpse and head injury is shown much closer during an autopsy later on (episode 4).
In Season 3 a character has rotten teeth as a result of his bulimia. There are a few close-up shots of him eating and picking at them with a metal pick and causing them to bleed.
A scary man in black clothes and a sack on his head with eyeholes cut out breaks into a house with a woman inside. The attackers eventually throw her unconscious (dead?) body down the stairs.
A man is found frozen to death, a man is stabbed in the head while having sex at a strip club, a woman is heaten to death with a hammer by her husband, the police chief is shot through the chest.
In Season 4 there is a ghost-like entity "Snowman" haunting the main family. He initially can be seen in the background of some shots, then appears prominently in later episodes of the season.
Season 1. One bad guy confronts another in his hotel room. Unphased the second guy just drops trou and parks on the toilet in full view. You hear everything.
S4 E1 A character appears to be having a heart attack but then farts. Also in S4 E3 during a heist/robbery scene, a character who previously ate a poisoned pie starts farting continuously. :|
S03E07 A man impersonates a cop to handcuff a female inmate to the bars of her cell, and attempts to murder her via lethal injection. He's stopped and doesn't manage to hurt her
Sort of, there's a scene of forced institutionalization where a character is restrained with belts and moved to an hospital set up. But it appears the place is not a mental institution, only a medical care center.
Throughout most of the show, season 3 and 4 specifically, there is A LOT of food eating scenes. Some are over-the-top to intentionally come across as gross.
A character is called psychotic, there's a scene of forced institutionalization where they are restrained with belts and moved to an hospital set up.
Also, while trying to escape the hospital, the same character uses an old lady in a wheelchair as a prop to her escape, wheeling her around without asking.
Throughout season 2 it's a major plot point that a character has cancer, and although we never see her die we know from season 1 that she doesn't survive much longer past the events of season 2.