The adventures of Ragnar Lothbrok, the greatest hero of his age. The series tells the sagas of Ragnar's band of Viking brothers and his family, as he rises to become King of the Viking tribes. As well as being a fearless warrior, Ragnar embodies the Norse traditions of devotion to the gods. Legend has it that he was a direct descendant of Odin, the god of war and warriors.
This tv show contains 82 potentially triggering events.
S1 E2 15:50 Rollo rapes the slave girl S1 E4 10:50 Knut attempts to rape a Saxon girl before being interrupted and is killed for it by Lagertha after turning on her for interrupting S2 E4 22:50 Sigvard rips Lagerthas clothes and tries to rape her when she won’t consent willingly S2 E4 24:16 men in camp are seen dragging captive nuns to a tent. Sounds last for about 90”. S2 E6 9:20 While not rape, Siggy is coerced into sleeping with Horik’s son in order to get what she wants. Could still be a trigger. S2 E8 17:00 the princess mentions she was raped by her brother. You don’t see anything take place it’s only stated. S2 E8 20:30 Einar holds a dagger to Lagertha threatening to slice her face if she does not sleep with him. She insults him out of it and it doesn’t happen. S3 E2 4:08 Princess Kwenthrith mentions that her uncle also raped her along with everyone her uncle brought to her. Not a visual flashback, but extremely messed up description. S3 E4 38:56 Princess Kwenthrith makes a toast to victory over her abusers S3 E5 36:52 a Saxon soldier attempts to rape a pagan farmer S4 E1 24:55 princess Gisla is brought in and forced to consummate her new marriage (but doesn’t actually happen) S4 E9 6:15 It doesn’t show a rape, but the presumed aftermath of the girls slaughtered along with their family S402 E6 32:33 & 34:02 Bjorn and company break into a guarded room of women. Rape is implied with the Vikings’ smirks and women’s’ scream. S501 E6 35:15 Astrid is taken by force to make good on a prior arrangement. Arguably the most graphic and messed up rape scene in the series up until now S601 E3 32:40 while not seen, the women of the village mention they were all raped by bandits in the night S601 E10 20:23 Ingrid is brought in for Harald to rape 32:28 she is seen weeping afterwards S602 E1 12:55 Ingrid mentions the rape S602 E4 20:03 Harald gets rough with Ingrid after she tells him something
To anyone wanting to watch this series, BE WARNED, and understand you are watching a show about Vikings, some of the most violent and gruesome folks to have lived. That being said, it’s too difficult to put time stamps and episodes because the series is full of MULTIPLE instances of animal death/sacrifice, torture in graphic detail (look up Blood Eagle), people being killed, etc. The show is incredible, but again PREPARE YOURSELF before embarking because both from a historical and fictional perspective, there is NO getting around the brutality.
To anyone wanting to watch this series, BE WARNED, and understand you are watching a show about Vikings, some of the most violent and gruesome folks to have lived. That being said, it’s too difficult to put time stamps and episodes because the series is full of MULTIPLE instances of animal death/sacrifice, torture in graphic detail (look up Blood Eagle), people being killed, etc. The show is incredible, but again PREPARE YOURSELF before embarking because both from a historical and fictional perspective, there is NO getting around the brutality.
To anyone wanting to watch this series, BE WARNED, and understand you are watching a show about Vikings, some of the most violent and gruesome folks to have lived. That being said, it’s too difficult to put time stamps and episodes because the series is full of MULTIPLE instances of animal death/sacrifice, torture in graphic detail (look up Blood Eagle), people being killed, etc. The show is incredible, but again PREPARE YOURSELF before embarking because both from a historical and fictional perspective, there is NO getting around the brutality.
Ivar is looking creepy in a hooded cloak when he holds up a dagger. At that point he goes into a vision where he very slowly points the dagger at one of Lagatha's eyes and even touches her eyeball before pulling back.
Besides the actual stabbings, in this episode Ivar has a vision of himself slowly starting to stab Lagatha in the eye. I found it more creepy than the actual stabbings.
S1e1 - A flashback to the discovery of the bodies of two nude teenage boys who have been buried in a shallow grave after being decapitated, with their heads places against their rears. It’s only shown briefly but is made more disturbing as a parent is shown viewing them
s1e3 - A young boy (13) is mislead into digging his own grave and then strangled to death. We don’t see the act but we hear it and then see the body
s1e7 - A main character suffers a late term miscarriage and the after math is briefly shown on screen in a bloody bowl placed outside the home
S1e9 - A main child character dies of plague in the night and emotionally burned in a funeral pyre
s2e2 - A boy on his first raid is shot by an arrow. He is heard crying out during the start of battle before dying from his injury
s2e3 - A large amount of children are killed on screen during a battle in which the men of village are gone. Their are several long and close up shots of children’s bodies
s2e10 - All but one of the children of a prominent character are killed (offscreen) We see the children cowering together as the man sent to kill them approaches with an axe and we see their bloodied bodies strewn about the room later. (I will note this isn’t an overly gorey/gruesome scene as it appears that they all had their throats slit which is portrayed as the way of ‘mercy killing’ within the show)
* S6/E8 - (Valhalla Can Wait) Prince Igor’s “King” puppet is violently destroyed by Prince Oleg in front of Igor & Ivar * S6/E12 - (All Change) Prince Igor’s indoor treehouse is destroyed (cut down), and he barely got out of it in time before it collapsed
There are none in the first or second seasons. Season 3 Episode 4: someone spits up blood after being poisoned, but doesn’t technically throw up. Season 3 Episode 9: Ragnar throws up around the 10 minute mark, visual and audio, pretty graphic. Season 401 Episode 3: Bjorn throws up after a night of drinking. Unexpected, visual and audio. Season 401 Episode 9: At the end of the episode, Ragnar retches up a spider, then throws up on the floor of his tent. Visual and audio. Season 402 Episode 2: Ivar gets seasick a couple times towards the end of the episode. Season 402 Episode 3: Rollo throws up water after almost drowning. It’s just water, but could be triggering. Season 402 Episode 7: Alfred throws up after King Ecbert pressures him into drinking too much wine. It happens when he starts drinking the third cup. Season 501 Episode 7: Astrid throws up randomly while looking out over the water. Visual and audio. Season 601 Episode 4: Hvitserk throws up while he’s locked in a hut. It cuts to the scene suddenly, audio and visual.
A monk does in season one and the Vikings make fun of him for it. Then in season three episode 4 Ragnar is wounded and a woman squats over him and pees on the wound. Which isn't technically the question but feels like it should be included.
Don't remember which season but it's probably the 1st, there's a scene in a Nordic temple in which Athelstan gets high/drunk and the scene is shakey with flashing lights
Yes. and I m sorry because the series is magnificent but if this really triggering for you the show probably isn't for you. it's mostly pagans Vs Christians (but not only) and religion is a huuuuge Aspekt of everything
The person who tells Ragnar of Paris and can speak the language of both sides describe himself as "a wanderer" with no home country, no allegiance, etc.
Their are many drownings, both found victims and active drownings, throughout. Several main characters including small children die by drowning and it’s used as a murder device at-least once.