I am assuming the yes votes are because the main characters in the first season are sailors/marines and their job takes them away from their families? Otherwise I can’t remember an instance of this in Season 1. May be something in Season 2 causing the yes votes, will update if so.
A character's alcohol addiction is a major plot point for the first half of the season. Another character discusses his mother's addiction to laudanum.
Season 1, episode 3
You see many dead rats in the middle of the episode and at the very end you see a dead seal. You don’t see any of the animals being killed, just the aftermath.
Season 1, episode 6
Towards the beginning of the episode you see a dead seal being gutted. Later, you hear the monkey bashing itself into walls in a small room and hear it making noises and can see some blood on the walls, but you can't see the monkey itself. Then, you see it after it has died when it is being examined.
Season 1, episode 7
You see the body of the monkey again for quite awhile.
In season 1, a monkey is deliberately exposed to lead (in food), which she ingests, as part of the process of trying to find the source of the men's health defects.
Season 1
You see a cat on board the ship briefly at one point and it is clear that it must die later but you just never see it again and it’s not stated or shown.
Halfway through the season, a character burns down the tent (by burning himself) where all the characters are gathered. This kills about half the remaining crew.
Season 1, Episode 3: A main character has his leg torn off by the creature.
Season 1, Episode 5: One of the characters has his leg mauled by the creature and it is later amputated.
Season 1, Episode 10: One of the main characters has his left hand amputated.
While the hanging itself never comes to pass, a character stands on a gallows with a noose around his neck with the expectation that he'll be hanged. It is only prevented by an unexpected outside force.
we see a man's corpse under a blanket and there is a large bloodstain around the genital area; another character later confirms the dead man's penis was cut off
There is an autopsy scene early S1 where it shows the rib cage being broken and cut. Another character has his skull smashed open you can see brian and exposed bone.
There are also multiple injuries which are not elaborated on but you can hear the crunching.
Not full torture, but a character is whipped about a third of the way into the season. This punishment, while in-line with naval protocol of the time, is noted by the other characters to be particularly harsh, especially given the offense.
In the first episode a character falls off the mast of one of the ships. He hits the side of the boat loudly and falls into the water where he quickly dies.
In the second episode of season 1, a character is shot in front of his daughter. The other characters attempt to take care of him, but he succumbs to his injuries later in the episode and dies. A family is killed off-screen, though their corpses are later shown. A character dies whose ward (biologically his niece) has multiple scenes with him and his wife. Some characters that die are based on men who historically had children, though they are not mentioned in the show.
At a couple of points towards the end of the season, a group of characters makes a character with skills useful to them (medicine, leadership) join their crew, despite the characters' reluctance.
Although the character in question has not yet died, there is an instance where his spirit shows up like a ghost in the first episode. An Inuit nature spirit (in the form of a bear) also serves as one of the main antagonists to the characters.
S1E01 9:26-9:47 the crewmember who just asked if they were still talking about the dog v* a lot of blood. / S1E10 11:34-1:38 There is a dried v* stain on a blanket briefly. 27:03-27:08 Just after Hickey says “I can’t go back” another man pulling the sledge v* and you can hear him coughing again from 28:26-28:32. Then (SPOILERS) from 33:08-33:11 the creature seems to v* or spit up entrails as it chokes.
Halfway through the first season, the men start to succumb to lead poisoning, food rationing, scurvy, exhaustion, and isolation (cabin fever). This causes some of them to develop psychosis and act out, sometimes violently.
Towards the end of season 1, a character has a panic attack caused by the stress and trauma of the situation he's in. Another character comforts him through this.
There are passive references to characters being suicidal throughout Season 1. In episode 5, a character jokes that he’d rather be shot than drink gin. In episode 7, another character explicitly asks to be killed because he is in pain.
A character, upon the death of his lover, walks out into the arctic wastes with no provisions and lays down on the rocks. He is never seen again and heavily implied to have died. Another character offers to sacrifice himself to the party's pursuer to buy them time because he knows he will die soon anyways.
Flickering flames and flashing gunfire/cannon fire throughout series. The intro sequence footage is also slightly grainy. Episode 2 season 1: there is a thunderstorm with very intense lightening flashes through the entire scene. Episode 6 season 1: their camp is set alight resulting in a large fire that spreads and lasts for several minutes.
CW for S1Ep4: a gay man is lashed quite brutally. It was personally very upsetting to me. it's also uncomfortable in an episode prior that the same man was called a sinner and r*pist for consensual gay sex (hinted at, off screen).
CW S1Ep8: one of the gay men becomes unhinged/violent.
The deaths are not because of their orientations nor are they killed off more than other not explicitly queer men.
Fairly respectful portrayal of Inuit people, from what I can tell, all of whom are played by Inuit actors. The “making of” special emphasized this. Would like to see someone with Inuit heritage to weigh in on it though.
In the first episode a character falls off a ship into freezing water and dies very quickly. His body is later seen floating underwater by another character.
There is so much. Multiple amputations (toes, leg), an autopsy (includes cutting of ribs and removal of lungs), multiple bullet wounds, two instances of characters cutting out their tongues (one implied off-screen, though we see the blood of the aftermath, and one on-screen, in graphic detail), and many others I'm sure I'm missing.
Victorian-era rifles and guns are used to shoot at an attacking animal and a man is shot unintentionally when he is thought to be a bear. The level of gun violence is no more than would be expected for a show of this setting and genre.
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One of the men kills the dog but you don’t see it happen nor is the body shown beyond knowing it's been placed in a bag.