A wild animal (a raccoon by the looks of it) is the only animal seen in the film but it does get killed. Its quite graphic and could be upsetting. Its crushed on screen by the creatures hand/claw/foot
There are jumpscares throughout, the ones that I found the most jarring are during the first half of the film. Once the monsters have a bigger presence in the latter half, the jumpscares actually tone down as the thrill is focused more on suspense and survival aspects, though there are some jumpscares still peppered throughout the latter half. I generally dislike jumpscares but found the ones in this movie manageable and not exploitative or cheap. However if you're more intensely bothered by any and all jumpscares, you may want to skip this movie.
a loud somewhat startling river (because of the quiet of the movie before) and a few puddles. father and son go fishing by a waterfall that feeds the river
The absurdity of the wife getting pregnant and giving birth without considering any alternatives during an apocalypse where loud noises alert the threat has been interpreted as an anti-abortion message by some but it’s hard to tell for sure.
A car does not crash, but it is attacked by the monster. If sounds resembling that of a car crash upset you, take caution. The scene happens towards the end and you will see it coming.
There is quite a lot of blood in several scenes, probably the most troubling of those is when the mother steps on a nail and when she goes into labour, there is a Lot of blood.
There is a kind of drowning scene where two characters are sinking into grain. The scene appears to make them look like they are drowning, as the grain is deep.