Set in the present, the series offers a bold, subversive take on Archie, Betty, Veronica and their friends, exploring the surreality of small-town life, the darkness and weirdness bubbling beneath Riverdale’s wholesome facade.
This tv show contains 120 potentially triggering events.
This show contains every trigger. There’s just 24/7 coming new episodes and seasons, so the answers here are not up to date. Yes. A dog die. Not on screen but mentioned. Also mentioned a off-ground dog fight circle. (Where dogs die)
Betty kills her cat as a child because she (the cat) has been hit by a car. It’s not super graphic but there is a noise as the cat is killed with a rock.
season 2 at some point- someones serpent tattoo is carved off their skin season 2 end- a character is beaten close to death season 3 achie is used in prison to be part of an underground fight club run by warden
honestly all through seasons 1-4 but it gets excessive for like the first half of season 7 where there’s a redicuolous amount of sex talk and sexualisation of the characters who are juniors (i beleive) in season 7. the show is notorious for sexualising minor characters (but there like no sexualisation really when they are adults just when they’re teens)
A self harm joke is made in season 1. Something veronica says along the lines of, “that is so sad it makes you want to cut your wrists” refering to one of archie’s songs
occasional eating scenes - all of the characters chew relatively softly and its not to triggering mostly but there are a few bad ones - usually not a concern
Cheryl had one the first game after her brother died where someone else wore his number. For a moment, he looked like her brother and she broke down and ran to the locker room.
ending of season 1 a character attempts suicide by drowning. in season 3 episodes 1 2 and 3 (all thats realeased so far) theres more kids trying to. in the ifrst 2 kids sacrifice themselves in a cult like fashion. one of them lives , only to jump out of his hospital room window. in the 3rd a girl assosiated with the 2 boys tries drinking poision but is taken to the hospital.
There are multiple episodes where there is a heavy amount of camera footage, a few documentary style episodes, and a lot of camera panning and quick movements.
Season 6, episode 5. It explains the previous 4 episodes of the season and the designation of Jughead as narrator. These first 5 episodes of season 6 are part of a special event/parallel universe to make the Sabrina crossover make sense. You can skip these episodes without missing canon plot.
For two characters, they were both attempted to be forced to have an abortion, but it didn't happen. There is some other talk, but nothing on screen and nothing actually happens.
Queer people and drag queens are misrepresented. Kevin’s only trait is being the “soft gay guy” stereotype. The show is known for queerbaiting with scenes of Betty and Veronica kissing but no acknowledgement of their feelings for each other. They also do the same thing with Joaquin and Archie. An asexual character is straightwashed.
A teenager is presumed to have drowned, but it is later revealed said character was murdered. Another teenager is held underwater in a hot tub until he sputters for air, but he survives.
Yes. A dog die. Not on screen but mentioned.
Also mentioned a off-ground dog fight circle. (Where dogs die)