Pokémon can’t faint in battle, but unless you’re playing a Nuzlocke they’re not actually dead. It is mentioned that Alder’s partner Pokemon died, but this was prior to the events of the game.
Ghetsis is openly abusive to his adopted son N. This is shown even more in later media, and because of something that happens in Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon, it’s possible that N was murdered in that timeline.
Although it's not graphic on-screen, a major character is manipulated and emotionally abused by his adopted father and later his father calls him worthless and a freak on-screen.
There actually aren’t any of the horse Pokémon in the game until you beat the main story. They don’t die except for fainting in battle, and they’re okay in the end.
Prior to the events of the game Alder’s partner Pokémon died of a disease. Other than that Pokemon only faint in battle, unless you’re doing a Nuzlocke they didn’t actually die
Team Plasma's ideology considers Pokemon battles to be similar to dog fighting, but they are shown to be wrong as Pokemon can and regularly do choose to fight voluntarily rather than being forced.
Alder’s partner Pokémon had died prior to the events of the game, stated by N right before you battle him… (and end up not being able to battle Alder due to Team Plasma’s Castle appearing out of the ground before you’re able to battle him)
No dragons die during the game, though one chose to mystically divide itself into multiple entities in the backstory. The fossilized skull of a dragon is stolen from a museum by the antagonists and quickly retrieved by the player.
Snake like Pokémon such as the Snivy line exist in the game, but they’re very cartoony and don’t resemble snakes too much, with Snivy actually standing on legs until it evolves into Serperior.
One of the major categories of creatures in the game is the Bug type. Some of these bugs are intended to be intimidating, while others are cute and cartoony. The gym leader Burgh specialises in Bug Pokemon, resides in a gym resembling a beehive and gives out the Insect Badge when defeated.
Burn is a status effect in the game caused by fire type moves (as well as the water type move Scald) and Pokémon can faint from the status effect, but they’re okay after being healed.
Sort of. Prior to the events of the game, N lived in the forest and was “adopted” by Ghetsis and subsequently gaslighted really bad. He wasn’t an infant at the time, likely between 3-5 years old, but was still essentially kidnapped. N was happy there.
Her resemblance to the mammy was unintentional and after realizing the similarities Game Freak redesigned her to make her apron be worn as a cape. She’s a girlboss 😎
Very. Ghetsis says some really nasty stuff to N, N realizes he’s been abused his whole life, and ends up flying away on his dragon and Ghetis gets arrested (and subsequently escapes)