In reference to the opening hostage scene, we can only assume that a child’s toy has been destroyed as there are children present and it appears to occur in their home. However, it is not mentioned or shown and the death of the people is the focus of the scene.
While their are no typical claustrophobic scenes, people are shown in elevators and the majority of the movie is spent trapped in a building with the fire shrinking the possible safe spaces.
Arguably. In the beginning, a number of children are held hostage by their desperate father. (We don't know how the children have been treated before that.) ...
Later on, two children are put in mortal danger by Bad Guys.
While not shown, a main character loses their lower leg in the course of the movie. This plays a role in the film. The healed upper leg is shown as is the prosthetic.
More than one person falls to their death. Besides, the risk of falling from an immense height is a huge part of the movie, and there are many slips and close calls. I screamed once. :)