A small company dedicated to bringing happiness to the world receives a simple request to help a woman’s unhappy son smile again, but the job turns out to be more complicated than it seems.
This tv show contains 82 potentially triggering events.
A female interviewer is brutalized by Mr Frog to emphasize how violent he is, but it's censored for comedic effect. It's also part of a larger montage that involves him killing a number of people, male and female.
In episode 1, it's possible that Pim's parents abuse alcohol in some form, as his mother has a wine bottle near her and his father is holding a beer bottle, to which they both scream at eachother.
After failing her rigged "puzzle", a witch blows magical dust in Charlie and Pim's faces, knocking them out so that she can drag them back to her home and cook them.
Jared Fogle is mentioned, with Pim even noting specifically that he is a pedophile. All of the characters are clearly disgusted by him and he doesn't appear in-person, nor are any of his specific actions described.
Alan is literally crucified by small invasive creatures called bliblies, with nails driven through his hands. The actual act of Alan being nailed to the cross occurs offscreen, and Alan does not show any signs of injury afterwards. Earlier, a bliblie stabs Alan's finger with a paperclip.
Arguably, though it's played for laughs. Shrimp uses a tanning bed, leaving his skin burnt and blistered. A passerby rips a chunk of flesh off of him and eats it, saying "mmm, cooked shrimp". Shrimp doesn't react to this at all.
The dragon in "Enchanted Forest," a background character in "Shrimp's Odyssey," a demon in "A Silly Halloween Special," and Charlie in "Charlie Dies and Doesn't Come Back"
In "Frowning Friends", Gnarly is shot in the eye with an arrow by the Renaissance Men.
In "Charlie Dies and Doesn't Come Back", Charlie's eye pops out of his socket when he is crushed by a tree.
Not 100% sure if it counts, but in "Who Brutally Murdered Simon S. Salty?" Ketchup cries ketchup while being interrogated.
President Jimble arguably refers to himself as the R-slur, but the word is censored regardless of what version you watch, so the actor could’ve said something else, then added the beep, and it’s just surmised that that’s what he said based on context
The majority of episodes feature a sudden jump scare of either a loud noise (usually a yell) or a character suddenly coming into frame. Even though they're played for laughs, they're still jump scares. There's a jump scare in "A Silly Halloween Special" that's played to actually frighten.
Seeing as I can’t add an additional comment, Season 2, Episode 4 has five of them scattered throughout
There is a reference to Tara the Android/“I Feel Fantastic” during the scene in Charlie’s apartment. A creepy, mannequin-like robot stands in the background for most of the scene
In episode 2, Mr. Frog is shown on a news report to have attempted to eat a TMZ Reporter, to which they do survive. He also eats an executive producer at the end of the episode, who doesn't survive.
If anything, it's the complete opposite: in "Who Brutally Murdered Simon S. Salty?" Pim calls the police after finding Salty's corpse, only for the police officer to tell him they no longer handle murder cases due to budget cuts.
Pim and Charlie are handcuffed but not taken to prison. There is a scene depicting a prison with somebody behind bars in the background, but it’s a very short scene.
It's never implied outside of the chestfeeding scene that Boss is trans but this or him being intersex are the most logical conclusions. Boss says some creepy stuff to the character he's chestfeeding and he goes on a violent rampage at one point but he's not depicted as sexually predatory, although it seems like the chestfeeding joke was ridiculing non-cis parenthood.
During "The Enchanted Forest", Charlie and Mip have a conversation that quickly turns sensual, with their dialouge easily reading as flirting and the two staring at each other longingly, but Mip quickly declares that he's getting sleepy and wants to go to bed before things get steamy. Charlie has a girlfriend, though the relationship is never confirmed to be monogamous.
An episode description for "Pim Finally Turns Green" mentions Pim eating an ancient artifact. However, this never actually happens in the episode and the description seems to be a joke.
No confirmed autistic characters but Jimble seems like a parody of CWC who is autistic. Even if he’s not based on her specifically he’s a negative portrayal of disabled people regardless (he says “odd” stuff, is incontinent, and calls himself what’s implicitly the r-slur although it’s censored, all of this is played as a joke). Shrimp and Allan have autistic traits which are portrayed as comedic. Worsened by the fact that Zach and Oney are ableist and make autism jokes to this day.
Side-note: There’s a Smiling Friends YouTuber called TheCoolAutisticGamer774, who is likely a fake persona used by a neurotypical cast member (Zach’s voice can be heard in one of his streams and original animation on par with the show’s quality can be seen in his most recent edits).
Pim has a bit of an existential crisis due to Desmond and other character's comments about the nature of life and frequently stares into space, distressed. At the end of the episode, he is in an extremely disheveled state, highlighted with a hyper-detailed closeup of him. He's completely unresponsive to everything happening around him, suggesting that he is dissociated.
In the first episode, Desmond claims that he's going to shoot himself. He has a gun pointed at his head the entire episode as well. The ending doesn't have him dying though.
There is a character in the episode who is seen quickly eating a lot of food, then throws up on himself at least twice; this might be too intense for some viewers.
No. But in "Desmond's Big Day Out", Desmond is a character who suffers from suicide. There's multiple points where he states he's gonna do it but the episode ends with him finding a purpose in his life.
No, but there is one scene where characters are in a pool, and concern is expressed about someone potentially drowning, though this doesn't ever happen - Mr. Frog is floating on an inflatable while on sleeping pills, to which Pim asks if it's okay for him to be in the pool while on them. Charlie dismisses his concerns, saying that no one's ever done anything crazy on sleeping pills.
In s2e2 "Mr President" Jimble makes a comment about how "I know my brain don't work so good sometimes"
Jimble states later in the episode that "I'm the president who shouldn't have been president, let's face it, I'm a [Censored]" and it is implied he calls himself the R slur
He is also implied to be incontinent, a character mentioning him wearing an adult diaper, which is played off for gross out humor at his expense
Many characters are depicted with cartoonishly large noses but seemingly just as a common trademark among many members of their species and never in an antisemitic way. Zach Hadel tends to depict characters he voices with exaggerated noses due to his own nasally voice.
I did get “fat joke” vibes from the CEO and James called him “fat” and “ugly” immediately before killing him. The president is a fat joke who farts, soils himself, and makes a mess while eating. Count Groxia is a fat villain that Gwimbly defeats by punching his stomach in the Gwimbly game series. However, he's not portrayed stereotypically in his everyday life, just in his video game role.
Though not explicitly aphobic, Charlie insists that Professor Psychotic should sexually reproduce with a woman to create life, rather than pursuing his homunculus project. Professor Psychotic is never stated to be on the anatractional spectrum, but Charlie's insistence on hooking up with someone may be uncomfortable for a-spec viewers.
At the end of Charlie Dies and Doesn’t Come Back, which is set mostly in hell, it’s revealed the story is being told by an elderly Glep, who tells his grandchild that christianity was right and hell is real.
no scenes based around nudity, but there is still censored nudity in the show. the most notable scene would probably be in "Charlie Dies And Doesnt Come Back" where pim innocently hugs a naked charlie, who tells pim to be careful where he puts his hand.
Women are seen in bikinis but aren’t sexualized otherwise. However, women are objectified in the sense that they’re either stereotypical or a narrative prop.
In episode 3 there is a scene at the end where two characters make out, and in episode 5 there is a scene with two characters flirting, and another with two characters where one unzips the others pants and there is moaning briefly.
Season 1 episode 1 - a suicidal person is convinced that life is meaningless
Season 2 episode 8 - a snowman, after being magically brought to life, becomes inconsolable when he learns that he’ll die someday.
Only in two episodes and the credits are very short anyways (although I’d recommend skipping them and the intro if you have epilepsy or sensory overload).
Charlie in episode 2 mentions that his uncle ran his car into a group of people as an explaination to why he has the sleeping pills he gave Mr Frog, but it's never shown.
In "Desmond's Big Day Out" Desmind spends the whole episode holding a gun, threatens to shoot himself with it, and ends up shooting the bliblies with it.
In "Frowning Friends", DJ Spit pulls out a gun on Pim and Charlie when he thinks they're trying to gaslight him.
Not sure if it counts but in "Mr. Frog", Mr. Frog and Charlie go to a shooting range.
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