In a VERY cartoony sense, Esther Winchester being cooked into sausages could be considered mutilation, but it's obviously for comedy instead of shock, and she's shown to be fine later.
Depends on how we're defining "sudden" and "loud" (which is why I'm marking this as no) but if you successfully revive Cuphead or Mugman, there is a loud voiced "THANK YOU!" Ms. Chalice has the same line, but hers is more delicate and childlike.
The game’s various bosses forgive Cuphead, Mugman, and Ms Chalice for beating them up, but mostly because they also freed them from The Devil’s contracts. In the DLC, the aforementioned heroes forgive a villain after they do community service and learn to become a better person. So yes but not in any serious/toxic ways.
You have to shoot one of the funhouse bosses in the eye in order to defeat it.
Another character on the pyramid level pops out their eyes and they act as projectiles.
Another character on the train level has eyes on their hands, and also shoots these eyes at you.
It's all very stylized though and I wouldn't call it mutilation.
an optional fight against the penultimate boss has a ball you must fight resembling an 8 ball upon defeat this ball violently vomits what looks to be black fluid for approximately 5 seconds or so
There are lots of eye-strainy visuals and flashing lights throughout the whole game. There is an option in settings that allows you to adjust color-bleed, which may help with this. The eye-strain makes it extremely difficult for those who are sensitive to this sort of thing to play the game, and in some cases has prevented people from playing the game at all.
the closest thing to gore the game has is on one of the game over screens against the final boss it shows him holding the severed bloodless heads of cuphead and mugman in his hands while making a comment about not being challenged
This one's kind of hard to describe. There are no guns in the game, but there are finger guns that shoot magic, and that may still be triggering to some people.
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