A small supermarket in a blue collar town, a black man smiles at a 10 year old white boy across the checkout aisle. This innocuous moment sends two gangs into a ruthless war that ends with a shocking backlash.
This movie contains 22 potentially triggering events.
During the tattoo removals the character sounds like he is in a lot of pain and the machine they use makes electric crackling noises. It is not, but it does sound like it is torture
Not in that sense, but they show very graphic tattoo removal procedure, done with some machine that looks like makes little electric shocks and the skin looks bad
The mother tells the story (so it is off-screen) that her daughter was beaten by the then stepfather when the girl was smaller. Also the preying on kids that the nazis do does count as child abuse, in my opinion. They recruit kids in shitty situations, offer them food, alcohol, cigarettes, even free tattoos, and try to brainwash them to join their nazi group.
Nazis light a house on fire where immigrants sleep. Later reveal that they could escape. But at least some of them are captured by the nazis, stabbed snd the car lit on fire. Also, protagonist hallucinates that he is lit on fire by ond of his victims
SPOILER-In hospital, main character is almost killed by non biological parents. They torture him by lowering the oxygen on his breathing machine, asking him who he talked to aboug the nazi cult
Protagonist starts to despise his tattoes on his face, even tries to burn them off (with hot water and salt or something like that) at some point. This might count as body dysmorphia