An investigation into a camping trip gone wrong turns into a fight for survival when a team, including a brilliant primate specialist and led by a ruthless television producer, must come to grips with the possible existence of Bigfoot.
This movie contains 1 potentially triggering events.
It’s sad. The dog is clearly very much loved, and although its brief yelp of pain suggests a quick death, its owner finds evidence that the death was very violent as well.
She’s a young adult, not a “kid” per se, but she is someone’s daughter and near the end her father discovers that something REALLY bad happened to her and has to witness her corpse being manhandled.
The director needs medication of some sort and it gets stolen at one point by a lady who takes it as if it’s a drug like maybe Valium or Percocet. The addiction isn’t a theme in the movie, but the director gets pretty panicked when he can’t find it.