In a mystical and dark city filled with humans, fairies and other creatures, a police detective investigates a series of gruesome murders leveled against the fairy population. During his investigation, the detective becomes the prime suspect and must find the real killer to clear his name.
This tv show contains 49 potentially triggering events.
The dog goes upstairs and is heard making distressed sounds before the darkasher shows up. The next episode starts with the police carrying the very much alive dog.
A mole and a fish are magically frankensteined together, and the creature seems to suffer from its very existence. It's chopped into three pieces even though it can't die.
There is an attempted (but failed) sexual assault in the second episode. In the fifth episode a man is put in a semi-lucid state by a witch who needs his seed as part of a transaction, it does not appear that he consented to this encounter before he is drugged.
(SPOILER) in the first season, we eventually found out that the monster eats its victims' liver, it's briefly shown on screen in one episode. Don't know if that checks as cannibalism but it is worth mentioning
At the end of what I believe was epsiode 5, one of the characters (who is the only on in the shot) looks at the camera for the final moments of the episode. It very well could be taken as not a fourth wall break, it's kind of just a cinematic shot but those who are bothered by that type of thing may wanna avoid it
The show is about a society with an upperclass of humans and an underclass of non-humans with visible physical differences. Many, many incidents of the non-humans being treated poorly & called slurs. A character is mutilated as a child to allow them to “pass” as a human. This being said, the show paints the visibly different as the protagonists. So while some characters are ableist, the show’s message is overwhelmingly pro-disability.