Hank and Dean Venture, with their father Doctor Venture and faithful bodyguard Brock Samson, go on wild adventures facing megalomaniacs, zombies, and suspicious ninjas, all for the glory of adventure. Or something like that.
This tv show contains 45 potentially triggering events.
S1E03; Dr. Venture and the Venture twins are trapped in the small panic room. S2E04; Dr. Venture, The Venture twins, and Brock are trapped in a room with spiked enclosing walls.
An entire arc for Billy Quizboy is that his memory was wiped and doesn't remember being used by the OSI. He remembers finally in S3E03 and they attempt to make wipe his memory again.
Dr. Venture was mentally abused by his father as a child which is brought up a lot. There are multiple instances of sexual abuse; Center in S2E7 by Baron Ünderbheit, implied uncomfortably (but later retconned) in S4E2, and mentions of sexual abuse by a secondary character, Sergeant Hatred, to the Venture twins and others in the past and the characters issues with pedophilia are center for several episodes and frequently brought up.
In the beginning Dr. Venture is addicted to diet pills, this stops as seasons go on. Action Johnny was a drug addict and this is a main point for his character until he recovers in S4E6. The Pirate Captain uses tranquilizers on himself which is implied to be a drug to him, he is forced to quit.
Dr. Venture is initially addicted to diet pills, this later ceases. Action Johnny is addicted to drugs, he recovers. The Pirate Captain is addicted to tranquilizing himself, he recovers.
Sgt Hatred is stated multiple times to have sexually assaulted the Venture twins. Captain Sunshine kisses Hank without his consent. Nancy and Drew attempt to rape Dean.
Dr Quymn's daughters Nancy and Drew tie Dean up and attempt to force themselves onto him while he is fighting against it. They do not succeed, but it is still uncomfortable to watch.
Hank accidentally headbutts a metal pole, knocking himself unconscious in the snow. He wakes up later, is carried into a building, where he falls unconscious again. He remains so for an entire day.
Hank and Dean are shown to have died multiple times and are cloned. They cease dying after all their clones...also die. There are also mentioned deaths of kids (Wonder Boy).
Dean is a frequent victim. his crush on Triana often is used to make jokes about him being a horny teenager, with him getting aroused onscreen multiple times (one episode even has Triana's father intentionally arousing him so that he may use his magic to locate him). He is depicted in one episode wearing the slave Leia outfit from Star Wars, resulting in him being mistaken for a woman and Underbeit attempting to marry him. Dean drops his pants in front of the entire wedding reception and again at the end of the ep when his towel falls. Hank also gets a few moments; in one episode he gets a crush on Molotov and gets an erection onscreen after she performs cpr on him. In another episode he wears a strength suit with an incredibly shapely woman figure and remains in it for several eps after, though no one makes much comment or fuss about it other than that he was staring to smell after wearing it nonstop. Much more uncomfortable is Hatred's earlier appearances in which he would refer to children as attractive (using wording that I am not going to) and his storyline with overcoming his "urges".
Jonas Venture Sr. is already dead by the beginning of the show, mentioned a lot. Both of The Monarch's parents are deceased and are mentioned frequently in multiple seasons. Mommy Longlegs dies and is implied to have had a lot of children and grandchildren.
The Monarch's mother is implied to have been seduced into an affair with Jonas Venture in order to conceive a child. Sirena is caught cheating on Hank with Dean. Blue Morpho cheats on his wife with two actresses.
There are frequent piss jokes early in the show. Dean wets himself onscreen in one episode, and Dr Venture in another. In a later episode, Jefferson soils himself and gets a change of pants.
A very gross point is when Hank pins Dean down and holds spit in his mouth over Dean. They both get caught off guard and the spit falls into Dean's mouth and he accidentally swallows it. (S1E4)
Dr. Venture's brother Jonas "JJ" Venture Jr. is revealed to be dying from cancer. He dies from something unrelated. King Gorilla dies off screen from cancer.
Hank expresses discomfort at having to sit next to Hatred at a wedding and even wears a disguise so he isn't recognized by his abuser. Dr Venture as well as the boys very obviously have trauma from being forced to be boy adventurers.
Although they are not from self harm, in one s5 episode Dean is depicted with cuts all over his arm and Sgt Hatred mistakes it for self harm and attempts to confront him about it.
Hank describes his alter egos and thinks he may have DID, but Dean dismisses him. It is never confirmed whether he does or not, though in the art book it is stated that Hank "believes in the power of a costume".
Hunter gathers, a minor but reoccurring character is shown talking about wanting boobs and wanting to be a woman. Hunter ends up getting them and removing them, while still mentioning longing for them after that.
Similar to the above self harm comment, Hatred attempts to confront Dean as he believes he is anorexic, he denies it though he is always depicted as being thin enough to the point of his ribs and spine being visible.
Jonas Venture Jr. dies in a sacrificial suicide during the events of S6E0. In S4E14, Dr. Venture is found having tried to kill himself via asphyxiation, later found that was not himself but The Monarch in control of his body. Billy Quizboy finds his roommate dead by suicide in S3E03.
Hunter Gathers design can be seen as particularly transphobic / is played off as a joke for a while. Dr. Girlfriend is insinuated several times to be a transwoman by characters because of her deep voice, which can be seen as transphobic.
Nicki Fictel (15) lies about her age to get Dr Venture to sleep with her. Later, as an adult, she sleeps with Hank, who was 17 at the time. A deleted scene depicts Hatred mistaking Dean (18) and Jared (30) for a couple.
There are many scenes in which characters are fully nude. They are censored, however you can find the uncensored versions as everything was actually drawn and just covered up.
There is a scene in which The Master appears as a horse getting ready to have sex with a human woman. In the deleted version of this scene, he is shown doing so, though nothing beyond humping is shown.
There is a scene in which Hank and Dean are revealed to sexually experiment with each other. Dean sleeping with Sirena because he misses when it was just him and Hank could easily be read as more than brotherly love.