James and Em Foster are enjoying an all-inclusive beach vacation on the island of La Tolqa, when a fatal accident exposes the resort's perverse subculture of hedonistic tourism, reckless violence, and surreal horror.
This movie contains 68 potentially triggering events.
(SPOILERS!!!) When a character said, "Bring out the dog!" I was very upset. And then, because I am the way I am, I was like "Oh, thank goodness. It's just a man on a leash!".
A character is repeatedly led to believe that one thing is happening when really it's another. Two different reveals about this are devastating to a character.
In addition to hallucination sequences, there’s a theme of identity/ consciousness. In one conversation characters explicitly wonder if they have been switched and are not themselves
Answered "yes", but it's limited. There are two scenes in the early movie where characters are eating (a breakfast and a dinner). Some characters speak while chewing their food.
There's a scene where a character is undergoing a fictional medical procedure. He's put into a small room with no windows and liquid starts to fill the room.