For a thousand years, the Vikings have made quite a name and reputation for themselves as the strongest families with a thirst for violence. Thorfinn, the son of one of the Vikings' greatest warriors, spends his boyhood in a battlefield enhancing his skills in his adventure to redeem his most-desired revenge after his father was murdered.
This tv show contains 50 potentially triggering events.
not exactly? there’s a woman used as a decoy for the prince because they couldn’t find a male decoy that looked like him. This is supposed to be funny.
Thorfinn often has reactions that resemble meltdowns throughout the show. In S2, he has recurring night terrors that may mimick those reactions as well.
One character's mother was kidnapped by his father and locked away in his room and sexually abused, it's not shown but only mentioned when a character is talking about his mother and why he hates his father's people. Also the way slaves are treated is obviously very abusively and scenes of slaves being abused could be very triggering for abuse survivors.
Nothing super graphic is shown, but there's descriptions of women being kidnapped and sexually abused. Also scenes of women being dragged off and it's just assumed what is about to happen.
Technically no ghosts, however a character imagines conversations between him and a ghostlike depiction of a decapitated head. It's made clear this is a visual product of the character's development. This happens multiple times over the latter half of S2.
Women are often if not always separated to be sold as slaves for obvious reasons.
So yes. Commodification and constant objectification of human beings.
There are also man/women slaves for other kinds of horrific purposes.