sara constantly gets verbally abused by both her parents and her bullies. her mom also tries to put her on a restrictive diet after she tells her she's getting bullied
Technically yes, Sara's bullies hold a pool net on her head while she's swimming and she struggles to tread water with the net on her head and keep her head above the water
Not rape but definetly sexual assault and harassment, in the beginning the main character’s clothes and towel are stolen at the pool and she has to run home in a bikini and some guys come out of their car to grope her and harass her.
Around 1:08ish sara throws up over a bridge when returning back to the pool with her mom. I wasn’t looking because I read the first comment but saw sara picking up her head around 1:09. Audio wasn’t bad (at least for me didn’t even notice it happened I just happened to look up when it ended).
*SPOILER* Happens right after the white truck stops in the middle a trail Sara was running up to hide from boys assaulting her. Sara wets herself when she sees her bullies inside of the man’s truck.
they dont really say if sara has one or not. there is shame associated with food, but its only enforced by people around her. her mom tries putting her on a diet after sara tells her she gets bullied, and she a store clerk makes a rude comment at her for trying to buy some sweets, for an example
There's a weird relationship between Sara and the guy who is kidnapping her bullies, almost romantic. She's a teen in the movie, and the guy seems to be much older.